2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

Got it thanks


Just a few more weeks! :blush:


“published the year you started learning japanese” why does this make me emotional :sob: i love this idea so much, it’s not on my bingo card but i wanna do it anyway

edit: the exact day that i began learning japanese, My Hero Academia was first published in Jump. i think that’s a sign!


i think ill also try participating, this looks fun.



I’ll be doing my Bingo in Korean!


:fire: :fire: Challenge Goal: Blackout Bingo :fire: :fire:

Blank Card

I messed up getting rid of the free space and had to add the missing prompt manually. :sweat_smile:

Planned Books
のんのんびより V1 Tensura V2 Digimon V-Tamer 01 V1 Tensura V1
Trinity Blood P1V1 Adabana (VN) 魔女の宅急便 1 Digimon V-Tamer 01
Bookworm V2 Bookworm V3 Digimon V-Tamer 01 V2 日本の歴史 全15巻 無料ダイジェスト (MN)
Digimon V-Tamer 01 V3 90 Wiki or NHK articles (e.g. one per day for 3 months) Tensura V3 Konbini Ningen

Qualifier: Read the next book in a series you have started

Non-fiction: 90 Wiki or NHK articles
1 2 10
11 20
21 30
31 40
41 50
51 60
61 70
71 80
81 90

Just curious for peoples opinions.

Do you consider having read the translation to disqualify author from “never read before”?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Do you consider having read a different version (e.g. manga vs LN) to disqualify author from “never read before”?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Would you consider news articles or Wikipedia to count for “non-fiction”?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but only if I read a certain quantity
  • No
0 voters
1 Like

Regarding my thoughts for the second poll, since I seen to be in the minority: it’s my understanding that the original writer is not usually involved/heavily involved in the adaptation, so you’re not really reading their work, as it were.

(Granted, you could make a strong case that that’s the same situation as reading one of their works translated, and I did vote that for me personally reading a translated work disqualified that author from having never been read before.)


Exactly, and that’s why I also voted that it’s fine.
I read Terry Pratchett in both French and English and it was a different experience. I guess that’s because the translator was really good and came up with similar puns that convey the same mood while sounding natural in French. So it felt different in terms of writing style, and that’s between two languages that are very similar.
If it’s between Japanese and say English, you may as well have never read that author before.


I personally think it’s different, because to me the essential nature of “author you’ve never read before” is that you’re taking a chance on something where you don’t know what you’re getting – their writing could be great or it could turn out to be not my cup of tea, but either way it’s a step into the unknown, maybe out of my comfort zone. So for me a book where I’ve already read it in English or where I’ve read the story in some other medium doesn’t meet the “something unknown” aspect I want for that square.


For me it would depend on the context. If you are reading the original of a book you have already read, then the novelty might be low, although, for a very literary book, I think the writing is very important so I would still count it.
But if you are reading a different book, in a different language, I feel like the author might just as well be new to you.

(At the end of the day, people can fill their bingo card whichever way they want, though)


Sounds like so much fun ! I couldn’t help but join (2 days before the new year is not too late right ? :sweat_smile: ).

Here is my card :


Of course not! Hopefully we’ll have people join even after the challenge formally starts as well.


So how does reading a “higher natively level” book work? Only the highest level book you’ll read in 2024 counts, or the first time you surpass your 2023 highest level or…?


The original/official prompt is


This sounds like a fun challenge so why not, I’ll give it a go. Good excuse to read things you might not have otherwise. Here’s my card https://bingobaker.com/#658fdf69e61dcc15.

Items ticked off:


I’d like to participate:

For the qualifier tile, can you pick the prompt or does someone need to assign it to you?


I believe you can pick it yourself.


Edit: I’m using the spiced up version of trying to fill the board as fast as possible by only counting books that tick at least 3 boxes (boxes may have been ticked before to avoid deadlocks).

Well, I finished 麦ふみクーツェ | L34?? today. It took me 14 hours, but I read it in a single day and it is a prize winner (never heard of that prize, but if they think it’s worth mentioning on the cover, it’s good enough for me).
Nearly a bingo on day one :rofl:

Edit: I guess I could nominate it for “bad cover”, but I really liked it (also, it’s a present, so I can’t really say I chose it despite or because of the cover)

Edit3: Oh wait, it was also a new author for me… doesn’t really matter though.


1 down, though I planned for this specifically, or I would have struggled to get this one ticked off.