2024 Bingo Reading Challenge ☑️

Yesterday I read/finished two books, and that’s as far as I can get this year…

I missed out on the Non-Fiction book, and from the book that I chose for the Higher Natively Level (献灯使 | L39) I managed to read the titular story, but not the 5 other short stories that are included. :woman_shrugging: That’s why I’m counting it as half-completed. Which gets me to 14.5 out of 16 :tada:

Generally speaking, I loved the Bingo Challenge! It was great fun to try to match my books to the bingo fields as well as possible. It also helped me discover some great books and remove some from my TBR pile (with some overlap between these two, of course :sweat_smile:).

Looking forward to the 2025 Challenge, and hope to see y’all there!