Allow CSV data dump

LibreOffice parses it perfectly. :+1:t2:



this amuses me… bad user… it’s me. :rofl:


Poking around, turns out there’s an API URL already, so my guess is just need to poke the generation trigger and then parse the result.

I don’t know the poking URL for regeneration yet, as I’m locked out for two days :sweat_smile:

EDIT: @brandon I don’t know if this will be part of the public API or not, but maybe it would make more sense if it was in an path?


I was excited to start poking at the data, so I think here is my min-max-avg for my Natively ratings over time! (I wanted to do a candlestick chart but google sheets is weirdly restrictive about that)

/edit prettified it a bit


Ooh nice, thank you :pray:

Heads up for everyone else that the spoiler tags for the books are included in the file. I didn’t think of that and accidentally read some for the books I’m currently reading since they were at the top :see_no_evil: Luckily nothing too bad.
Also, the regular ‘Book Tags’ field includes both the regular content tags and the ones tagged as a spoiler, as well as the genres. So the genres and spoiler tags are all in the file twice. I feel like that might not be intentional?


I think the series id, series title, series order etc columns are all shifted over one to the right from where they should be - difficulty level is replicated twice as a label I think?


Oh no! I’m certainly open to other suggestions… I just wanted people to be able to search on all the tags on one field :see_no_evil:


Ah yeah, I suppose that makes sense. I just figured it’s fairly easy to combine fields if you need to search everything, but if you now want to use the tags while avoiding the spoilers that’s less easy :thinking:
Not sure if anyone even has a need for that though, I suppose if not it doesn’t matter :see_no_evil:


for me, having the tags is actually really useful… because I now see which of the books I have read, doesn’t have tags yet. :eyes: but yeah, for those averse to spoilers, it might be a good idea to immediately hide/delete the columns when they open the file. :sweat_smile:


Fair enough. Right now, it’s a post API which would require a csrf token which might be a bit of a a pain for you to automate. I could switch to a get API instead.

You still would only be able to do once every 48 hrs, but that seems ok for you :slight_smile:


Not sure where the discrepancy is coming from, but my exported list has 412 books, while My Books on my profile shows 422.

So seemingly there’s a bug in one of those… I’d wild guess it’s related to parsing unexpected characters for the csv, causing entries to get lost.

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I am missing 200 books overall. :flushed: but non of my finished ones, so that’s good. :+1:t2:

though, when I check the individual categories, it’s more like 10 books missing. :thinking:

and when I sum up the individual categories:

category number
Reading 5
Finished 211
owned 1256
wish list 65
stopped 1

does not actually come to 1730 but to 1538… :thinking:


and I have an idea what is happening: I think it’s counting books on custom “lists” double. :eyes:

Edit: ^ can confirm this is happening.

(Deleted my lists - since I wasn’t keeping them up to date anyways and now my CSV numbers and my profile numbers match. :+1:t2:)


Interesting. My books on custom lists are 9 afaict, which almost matches the number the count is off by. Edit: the counts differ by 10, in my case

How do you delete custom lists?

click on the list, and then you get a pencil that opens an edit/delete window. :slight_smile:

Thanks. I got it, but for anyone else with this question:

  1. This only works on Desktop
  2. You have to click on the list name via My Books > left bar > List Name

Clicking on the title/Heading in the overall results there (which is where I would have expected to find it) doesn’t do anything.


More charts! This data is already replicated in the existing stats dashboard, but I wanted to stack them.

I think I will start a topic for this and share some of my working as well in a public sheets doc or whatever.

/edit pretty trivial to convert this into a book type count, so… here that is. If this was part of a dashboard, I would probably want the stack vs stack (as percentage) to be a toggle, since it’s effectively the same data but just the display changes (though, of course, don’t know how the implementation looks like from a webdev perspective)


Sorry for the confusion! @Biblio is right, if you have custom lists you will get double counts on the ‘My Books’ page… but this isn’t really a ‘bug’ per se. It says 422 ‘results’ which there are. Custom list items are a separate result from the items in your normal status lists.

I’m open to hearing other thoughts on how that ‘results’ should be displayed though!

So, after thinking on this more, you need to be logged in to use this API and i’m not sure i want to deal with handling that on this API.

I could imagine a premium-only service later on where I send you a weekly email with the download if you so choose.

For the time being however, I think i’m just going to leave the download functionality as is. If you’d like to make a new product request, feel free to :slight_smile:

Amazing! Quick work! :slight_smile:

I should have the rest of the downloads out today.


And some cumulative charts, because why not. I’ll start a topic soon with how-tos - should probably get some actual Japanese study in today instead of playing around with data…


Ok! You can now download session data!

Session data is a bit more confusing as you will see. The session data has two issues:

  1. reading session dates can be at odds with user book dates (like a reading session occurring after the date finished).
  2. the sum of the reading session pages read does not equal the current page read

For issue #1, you will notice a lot of date fields which illustrate any issues here. You can simply rely on ‘Session Date’ for our calculated value which we use on stats.

For issue #2, we have included ‘auto session adjustments’ which are fake sessions we include in order to make this session data match the user book data.

You can read more in the Key File.

Let me know what you think! :slight_smile:

Now onto movies & tv.



I noticed some books don’t have ISBN, should I submit a request to add them or will it get fixed with time automatically?

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