August Listening Challenge 👂

After some thought, I’ve decided to incorporate audiobooks with text, as well as game playthroughs where everything is fully out loud, and the majority of the playthrough is speech. This will result in me doing much more listening overall. And as I mentioned before, I think listening with text is more productive for improving my listening overall rn. That not only helps me acquire new vocab, but I can notice when I didn’t correctly identify a word/phrase I heard as well. It will also help me progress on one of my current reads.

Given that, I’m increasing my goal to 75, with a stretch of 100 Actually I realized that’s totally unrealistic… I’ll stick with 50 for now. While this is a bit of a double standard, I’m excluding anime with subs, since anime is already so variable. I’ll still try to push myself to consume a good amount of audio-only material, bc that’s also beneficial in ways that having text is not.