初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく


Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: :woman_shrugging:t4:

Summary - Japanese

「髪染めたんだね」 「ああ」「どうして髪染めたの?」 「お前なんでって……、昨日お前が……」 僕の隣の席に座る金髪から黒髪に染めたヤンキーJK・清水さんは声が少しずつ小さくなり、少し顔を赤らめて机に顔を伏せた。 その後も僕、本堂大輝が友人との恋バナで「女子と一緒に料理したい」と話すと、翌日、いつも授業をサボる清水さんと一緒に料理することになったり、「女子の手料理食べてみたい」と話すと、なぜか二つあるお弁当を分けてくれたり……。 学校で一番怖いヤンキー、実は恋愛に不器用で乙女な清水さんとの青春ラブコメ。

Summary - English

“You dyed your hair.”
Why did you dye your hair?
“Why did you …, yesterday you …?”

Ms. Shimizu, a yankee JK who had dyed her hair from blonde to black sitting next to me, her voice became a little quieter and she blushed a little and fell face down on the desk. After that, when I, Daiki Hondo, talked about love with my friend and said that I wanted to cook with girls, the next day I ended up cooking with Shimizu-san, who always skipped class, and when I said that I wanted to try girls’ home-cooked meals, for some reason she shared her two lunches with me… …
This is a coming-of-age romantic comedy with the school’s scariest yankee, Shimizu-san, who is actually a maiden and clumsy in love.

Translated with DeepL.com

Content warnings if known

None known.

Why are you nominating this book: I bought this book physically recently because it sounded amusing enough and I wanted to challenge myself to read a book without as many lookups as I normally do digitally. I know that’s not super relevant to the rest of the bookclub but…