初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく


Is there an ebook available?: yes (also free webnovel)
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: yes (여성향 게임의 파멸 플래그밖에 없는 악역 영애로 환생해버렸다... 1 | L25??)

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

After hitting her head particularly hard one day, Duke Claes’ daughter, Katarina, suddenly recalls all the memories of her past life: that of a teenage Japanese girl. Just before her untimely death, this girl recalls playing an otome game… that is exactly like the world she’s living in now! She is now Katarina Claes, the antagonist of the otome game, who nastily hounded the protagonist until the end. Knowing all the possible outcomes of the game, she realizes that every single possible route ends with Katarina being murdered or exiled! In order to avoid these Catastrophic Bad Ends, she has to use her knowledge of the game and her own wiles, starting with breaking off this engagement with the prince…

Why are you nominating this book:
Free version available (i.e. no financial investment/risk for beginners). It sounds like it could be chaotic fun. And I am trying to go through a lot of the series I own and decide whether I will continue or not. :princess:t2:


Can’t write more replies, so…

Added the Korean version to natively.

same for this