初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく


Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: ?

Summary - Japanese

突然、異世界に召還されたしがない高校生で100円ショップのバイト店員・譲原秋海。可愛いエルフの魔法使いの頼みで、取るに足らない100円ショップの道具を駆使して、魔王討伐を目指すことになるが……!? 勇気と知略のワンコイン(税抜き)バトルファンタジー、開幕!

Summary - English (DeepL)

Akiumi Jyohara, a high school student and part-time worker at a 100 yen store, is suddenly summoned back to another world. At the request of a cute elf wizard, he sets his sights on defeating the Demon King by making full use of insignificant 100 yen store tools, but …? A one-coin (without tax) battle fantasy of courage and wisdom begins!

Content warnings if known


Why are you nominating this book: I’ve read the first chapter of this and the premise seemed fun enough. I’m planning on circling back to it eventually, but I figured I’d nomiate it since It seems like it’d be a good intro to fantasy LNs since the book is relatively easy while still being an Isekai. It’s also (currently) on Kindle Unlimited (but not sure if it would stay long enough for us to get through it in the book club).