初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく


Is there an ebook available?: yes

Is there an audiobook available?: no

Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: no?

Summary - Japanese

武道は奥深く、恋はまだほのか。弓と自分、あるのはそれだけ。 ドラマ化『書店ガール』著者の新シリーズ。 (あらすじ)高校入学目前、矢口楓がふと足を踏み入れた神社の片隅にみつけた弓道場。おとなたちに交じって弦音(つるね)を響かせる少年の凛々しい姿に魅せられ、そこの弓道会に入門することに。人見知りの女子高生が日本古来の弓道の奥深い魅力に目覚め、新しい世界の扉を開いていく青春エンタテインメント小説!【書き下ろし・講談社文庫50周年記念作品】 カバーイラストはアニメイターの新井陽次郎。

Summary - English

[DeepL Translation - needs review] Martial arts are deep and love is still faint. The bow and myself, that’s all there is. A new series by the author of “Bookstore Girl,” which was made into a TV drama. (Synopsis) On the eve of entering high school, Kaede Yaguchi suddenly steps into a Japanese archery dojo in a corner of a shrine. Fascinated by the dignified appearance of a boy playing the strings among the adults, she decides to join the Kyudo club there. This is a coming-of-age entertainment novel about a shy high school girl who awakens to the profound fascination of Japanese traditional archery and opens the door to a new world! The cover illustration is by animator Arai Arai. Cover illustration by animator Yojiro Arai.

(Translator: DeepL)

Content warnings if known

No clue

Why are you nominating this book: It’s a book centered around 弓道 (Kyuudou, JP archery)