初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29 - NOW READING 明日の世界で星は煌めく

Considering June 21st has already passed :sweat_smile: yes, July 21st!!

(Sry it’s been abnormally hot here the last few days)


My copy has arrived! I’ve been curious about this book for a long time, so looking fowards to this!


I might have missed it, but is the thread for サマーウォーズ up already? If yes can you share the link? Thanks!


It’s not. I’ll make it later today


It’s up now! Looking for input on reading speed, before I make up the actual schedule


You guys are real close to the end of your current book; going to have another vote soon?

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We’re nowhere near the end of it (56% next weem)… I just need to do the schedule for the remaining portion, which I forgot, cuz stuff’s been crazy lately :cry:


Oooh, my mistake! I just saw the end of the schedule bits coming up and didn’t realize.


No worries… I forgot what the ideal timeframe to start that stuff is anyway. Maybe someone can remind me?


Eh, if I don’t forget I usually like to set up a vote for a new book 2-3 weeks before the end of the current club, then maybe have a week’s break after the current book before starting the new one. People are usually pretty flexible on their timing, though.


A few weeks more than that is nice for people getting physical books from what I’ve seen. I think all clubs on WK are setting it up so that the poll ends 6 weeks before the new book club starts.


@eefara @Legato cool - thx for the input… I’ll go w/ the 6 weeks-ish I guess, once I’ve got the schedule figured out


I totally spaced on getting the new nominations poll & voting up - sry!! Nominations are now open until sometime in the afternoon of 11/24 (EDT)

The Nominations List. Template for nominations is in the OP. We currently have 8 slots open.

Voting will take place immediately after nominations close, and last for 1 week as well.


Reminder that nominations are still open for another day (though I’m wondering if I should extend it by a week, since nobody nominated anything yet). We currently only have 10 nominations, meaning 10 slots left.

Edit: I had forgotten to remove ひげひろ and サマーウォーズ from the chart, even though I put it in cooldown :sweat_smile:


I haven’t nominated anything as I think there is still 4-5 things on the list that I will vote for and a lot of the other stuff I have is all higher level or marked with a temp level so unsure if it’s suitable or not (I decided to only vote for what I have so I stop buying more books :rofl:).


If nobody wants to nominate anything in the first week, I don’t think a second week would do much - and it’s not like we are that short on nominated books.

(Although maybe we should stop pruning nominations before we run out. It’s not like we need to open up nomination spots at the moment either.)


I have 1 thing on the list I’d be enthused to read, and other’s that I’d maybe join for.

depends on why nothing was nominated (like personally I’ve just been too preoccupied, and things are busy, maybe similar for others). I was considering adding something, just haven’t thought of what yet. Anyway if nobody pipes up for extending it, then I’ll keep it as planned

Agreed. In the future I’ll only prune if there’s > 15.


@Megumin do you know anything about this one? I was considering nominating, given the level - but not sure if it makes sense, if someone isn’t already into .hack



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: ?

Summary - Japanese

突然、異世界に召還されたしがない高校生で100円ショップのバイト店員・譲原秋海。可愛いエルフの魔法使いの頼みで、取るに足らない100円ショップの道具を駆使して、魔王討伐を目指すことになるが……!? 勇気と知略のワンコイン(税抜き)バトルファンタジー、開幕!

Summary - English (DeepL)

Akiumi Jyohara, a high school student and part-time worker at a 100 yen store, is suddenly summoned back to another world. At the request of a cute elf wizard, he sets his sights on defeating the Demon King by making full use of insignificant 100 yen store tools, but …? A one-coin (without tax) battle fantasy of courage and wisdom begins!

Content warnings if known


Why are you nominating this book: I’ve read the first chapter of this and the premise seemed fun enough. I’m planning on circling back to it eventually, but I figured I’d nomiate it since It seems like it’d be a good intro to fantasy LNs since the book is relatively easy while still being an Isekai. It’s also (currently) on Kindle Unlimited (but not sure if it would stay long enough for us to get through it in the book club).



Is there an ebook available?: yes

Is there an audiobook available?: yes

Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: probly not

Summary - Japanese




Summary - English

Two people’s journey begins in the “world that has ended.

Yuki Nando, a girl who has been called a “witch” because of her circumstances, was still in the same dark environment even after entering high school, and her days continued to be dark - as they should have been. The day after the entrance ceremony, the world ended. The end of humanity was brought about by the lifeless humanoid monsters, or “wights,” that flooded the city.
One month later. Yuki survived the incident thanks to the power of “magic” left behind by her father, who had gone missing since the incident, and the power of a messenger demon.
One day, on his way home from a town full of corpses to replenish his supplies, Yuki hears a gunshot. There is no one in his town that he would want to help. Yuki thinks so, but there was once a girl he befriended in junior high school. Remembering that girl who had moved to a new school, Yuki heads toward the gunfire to help her, but what he encounters is the very same girl, Honoka Sakaki, who had moved to a new school.
For Honoka’s purpose, Yuki decides to cooperate with her. …

Tsukasa of “Fafnir the Gun Emperor” and “Nonono World’s End” x “Furidashi shita oshita! (FURIDASHI SHITA OUR FATHER WANTS TO SEE YOU!) and MUSHU of “Saki Pai ga o ookumeshimasu” (The First Pie Wants to See You)!

Content warnings if known

Some recollections of social ostracization/being picked on in school, occasional mild graphic horror (cuz zombies)

Why are you nominating this book: Read it recently, found it had a good mix of familiar with unpredictable. The energy between the two leads is fun, and the magic is simple - no info dumps or complex mechanics. I’m not usually into zombie apocalypse settings, but it worked for me. Also it has an excellent audiobook with 3 narrators (one for each lead, plus one for certain side characters)