初心者のライトノベル読書会 📚 Beginner's Light Novel Book Club L20-29

Yeah, I would see my role more as a lurker than an active participant… i.e. I wouldn’t vote on pacing or such things, but if the chosen book is interesting, I would read it and be happy to help with questions. :smiling_face:


Please feel free to skip my nomination(s) and give priority to someone else, if there end up being too many nominations. :bear:


Is there an ebook available?: yes (also free webnovel)
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese

引きこもりゲーマーのユナが、いつものようにファンタジーRPGゲームにログイン! すると、可愛いクマの装備を身につけて、自分が知らない森の中に!? 装備も変だし、レベルも1に戻ってるし、ゲームがバグった? それとも、まさかの異世界に来ちゃったの!? クマ装備はへんてこだけど、かなり強くて手放せない。冒険者ユナ、最恐クマっ娘として爆誕です!

Summary - English

Fifteen-year-old Yuna prefers staying home and obsessively playing her favorite VRMMO game to doing anything else, including going to school. When a strange new update gives her a one-of-a-kind bear outfit that comes with overpowered abilities, Yuna is torn: the outfit is unbearably cute, but too embarrassing to wear in-game. But then she suddenly finds herself transported into the world of the game, facing down monsters and magic for real, and the bear suit becomes the best weapon she has!

Why are you nominating this book: Should be an easy read. Free version available (i.e. no financial investment/risk for beginners). And I am trying to go through a lot of the series I own and decide whether I will continue or not. :bear:



Is there an ebook available?: yes (also free webnovel)
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: yes (여성향 게임의 파멸 플래그밖에 없는 악역 영애로 환생해버렸다... 1 | L25??)

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

After hitting her head particularly hard one day, Duke Claes’ daughter, Katarina, suddenly recalls all the memories of her past life: that of a teenage Japanese girl. Just before her untimely death, this girl recalls playing an otome game… that is exactly like the world she’s living in now! She is now Katarina Claes, the antagonist of the otome game, who nastily hounded the protagonist until the end. Knowing all the possible outcomes of the game, she realizes that every single possible route ends with Katarina being murdered or exiled! In order to avoid these Catastrophic Bad Ends, she has to use her knowledge of the game and her own wiles, starting with breaking off this engagement with the prince…

Why are you nominating this book:
Free version available (i.e. no financial investment/risk for beginners). It sounds like it could be chaotic fun. And I am trying to go through a lot of the series I own and decide whether I will continue or not. :princess:t2:


Can’t write more replies, so…

Added the Korean version to natively.

same for this


May we be so lucky!!


Thx for the Korean links - I’ll update those in a bit. How did you find them btw?



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
Is this book available in Korean?: I don’t know how to check.

Summary - Japanese

猫になって、異世界。 かわいいだけじゃない冒険が始まる!


(Source: Amazon.co.jp)

Summary - English

Becoming a a cat in a different world - an adventure that is more than just cute begins!

A boy is reborn in another world and aspires to become an adventurer, but his body is that of a cat person, the weakest race in the world, and the magic he has in his hands has the emptiness (空) attribute, which is ridiculed as just that: “empty” (空っぽ).

However, the boy, despite his great disadvantage, uses his ingenuity to transform emptiness attribute magic into magic that can create weapons and armor, and even walk in the sky.

With the support of the kindness of those around him, he grows up, and when he realizes the true value of the emptiness attribute, his journey as the strongest cat adventurer begins!

(Source: DeepL translation from the Amazon.co.jp, edited by me)

Content warnings if known

Bullying. Loss of a body part.

Why are you nominating this book: I read the one volume of manga currently available, and it was really fun and incredibly charming, so I need more. Enter the LN.

What I liked most:

  • It’s an isekai, but it might as well not be, because as far as I can remember it’s just mentioned once in the beginning and then never again (in that manga volume at least). It’s essentially an adventure fantasy!
  • Unlike many isekai, the main character starts pretty weak and has to train hard and actually use their head. And… he actually gets hurt (light spoiler), which is something that I feel like doesn’t happen often in isekai.
  • A cute beastfolk main character who’s kind, clever and hard-working.
  • I really like the LN cover.

Also, 4.8 is a pretty good rating on Amazon.


I checked if the book had a wiki page and then if there was a Korean version. From there it was simply putting the title into yes24 :slight_smile:

1 Like

Do you happen to know if this one is still releasing new volumes? no worries if not, just wondering for the table, and couldn’t find a wiki page


Volume 4 just came out a few days ago, and nothing in the description mentions that it’s the last volume, so I’d assume it’s ongoing.


Just to be clear - absolutely everyone here is welcome to join. “Beginners” is just to denote the level, and differentiate from the other LN club


It’s mentioned a few times in the story, to explain why he knows X or Y. But his behavior matches that of other people, while the main character of 男性向け isekai tend to stick out, so it doesn’t really matter.

As a content warning, there are sexy scenes (but no sex) in the story but I only read the webnovel version, so I’m not sure if there are any in the first volume. There are also dark themes but that should be in volume 2 (and probably beyond, but that’s as far as I have read in terms of content).

I really enjoyed ~volume 1. After that, though, (well, spoiler)the main character is basically all powerful, so it became kinda boring. That being said, I might get back to reading the webnovel at some point.


I’m more okay with that then you seem to be, although I got to admit that’s a shame. I felt like the struggle of the main character made the manga at least a bit more unique that the usual isekai fare.


Agreed! I really enjoyed that part. But it makes sense that it cannot go on forever.
Well, actually, the author could have throttled the main character though :thinking:


Plenty of nomination slots still open… But in the meantime, I want to get a general idea of:

What’s a good reading start date?
  • January 1st
  • January 14
  • January 28
  • Other (please comment)
0 voters

How much time do folks need between the end of voting, and start of reading? Specifically wondering wrt folks ordering physical books


Signing up… Given my initial goal joining natively was to read a book and I still haven’t achieved that… Time to get fired up

Also I have to say I think it will be tough ;__;


It will depend on the nomination for me to whether I sign up or not, but the first two weeks of January would be hard for me as I’m planning a trip.



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: yes, from audiobook.jp (link in the natively page)
Is there an all-furigana version available?: I am not sure
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: Yes

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

A girl with no friends, a high school girl who keeps cutting her wrists,
A woman who is criticized as an idiot, an old woman who lives out the rest of her life quietly.
Where does their “happiness” lie?
There are things I want to do over again, things aren’t going well right now.
A story for everyone.

Why are you nominating this book: I’ve heard more than once that this was a good first book, which got me interested. It’s quite popular, and has generally good reviews (particular for the learning potential; regarding enjoyment, there are a few mixed ones), but I thought the premise looked interesting. I think that the fact that it’s not an isekai/adventure/fantasy also helps in terms of language learning of more day to day vocabulary.

PS. this is classified as a novel, not light novel. I have to admit that even after reading what the difference between both is, I still don’t really understand. If it doesn’t fit into the club though, I can remove the nomination.



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no (or at least didn’t find)
Is there an all-furigana version available?: yes, but according to natively it’s significantly different
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: i’m not sure

Summary - Japanese


Summary - English

From Anilist: When timid eleventh-grader and math genius Kenji Koiso is asked by older student and secret crush Natsuki to come with her to her family’s Nagano home for a summer job, he agrees without hesitation.

Natsuki’s family, the Jinnouchi clan, dates back to the Muromachi era (1336 to 1573), and they’ve all come together to celebrate the 90th birthday of the spunky matriarch of the family, Sakae. That’s when Kenji discovers his “summer job” is to pretend to be Natsuki’s fiance and dance with her at the birthday celebration.

As Kenji attempts to keep up with Natsuki’s act around her family, he receives a strange math problem on his cell phone which, being a math genius, he can’t resist solving. As it turns out, the solution to the mysterious equation causes Oz, the program that controls nearly every aspect of life to be hacked into, it’s up to Kenji and his new “family” to stop the hacker before it’s too late.

Why are you nominating this book: I read the manga of summer wars as a teen and really enjoyed it, so it has a special place in my heart. I was hoping to read it again, this time as a novel. I personally think the story is fun and quite original.

The only downside is that it’s rated with a difficulty of Level 25(?) and has 351 pages, so I worried it may be harder than expected.


I also think light novel vs novel is pretty arbitrary, and am fine including books that seem light novel-like, even if they’re not strictly in that category on Natively.

If folks feel otherwise, feel free to chime in, but otherwise I’ll add it to the list when I have a moment


I think there’s overlap with children’s / light novels as well - I’ve seen a few that are listed on Amazon as children’s books, but Anilist classes as LNs (based on the publisher). I’m not that bothered about it, but it might be an idea to have a rule that a book can only be nominated for one book club so there isn’t overlap…? :thinking:

Here’s the Korean version of one of the nominations: