📚 bibliothecary's bibliophilia 📚 language log 🇰🇷 🇯🇵 🇨🇳

Doing my February review a little early! :slightly_smiling_face:

I read almost 1,500 pages of Korean this month, which I’m happy with (:jp: 135, :de: 0 :sob:), and I’ve been watching some TV shows in Korean, but those only came to about 7 hours. Finished another season of Bob’s Burgers in German, though! Ideally, I’d like to do a little in all the languages I’m interested in every day, but I’m not that dedicated or organised. :sweat:

Me: I want to do ALL THE THINGS!!!
Me: does like two of the things

:kr: Korean


75% of my Korean reading (pages) is <L20, so I’d like to increase my L20+ pages to be more than half of my total, which means I need to read about 7.5k pages of L20+ books. That would take about 5 months at my current rate, but I know how I am… So let’s say by the end of the year. :sweat_smile:

I’ve been working through YA Short Stories | Korean list by bibliothecary | Natively because it’s satisying to be able to finish the books relatively quickly (unlike poor 소리를 보는 소년 | L27 that’s been sitting on my reading shelf for months). Unfortunately everything after 명 바꾸기 isn’t available in digital format, and the cost of buying them physically is eye-watering, so they’ll just have to languish until they’re easier to purchase. On a positive note, there are a ton of short stories for teens published by Ridibooks, so the list will be expanding to include lots more inexpensive and easily accessible titles.

I managed to procure the complete series of 밤을 걷는 선비 시리즈 (series) | L25?? from my Surugaya haul, which I’m so happy about. Surprisingly it was new and still in the Korean wrapping! It also came with a cute fan with the characters printed on it, and the books themselves are stunning. :heart_eyes:

Another amazing find is the film comic 궁 (series) | L30?? - I haven’t seen the show, but every since I learned these kind of books existed 10+ years ago, I’ve been desperate to get my hands on some. Basically stills from the TV show are made into a comic, so they tend to be heavy and (I’d guess) expensive to print - here’s a preview to give you an idea.

I’m not sure how common these are (anymore) - I’ve managed to get the first volume (of 3) for 커피프린스 1호점 | L30?? and a complete three-volume set for 미남이시네요 S1 | L30?? via From Japan (in Korean, but there are Japanese translations available, too). Apart from those mentioned, these are the other TV shows that have drama comics listed on Yes24:

More than I expected! A total of 15 TV shows, and their drama comics were all published between 2006 and 2013 - a relatively short period. I’ve seen similar anime comics in Japanese (generally based on Ghibli films), but I don’t remember ever coming across drama comics for Japanese TV shows. :thinking:

:jp: Japanese

I went a little overboard with the Surugaya free shipping events and bought a huge amount of manga and light novels; I’m still working on scanning them into my Bookshelf app (the old books that don’t have barcodes to scan or ISBNs, even inside, are making it a bit of a chore). As to where they’re going to go… :woman_shrugging: I need to buy more bookshelves. :rofl:

Although I haven’t really touched Japanese recently, I’m desperate to start working through some of the BL Uni reading lists, particularly The History of BL Manga | 1970s Origins | Japanese list by bibliothecary | Natively. Actually there’s lots of Japanese books I’m desperate to read - I’m surrounded by them! :joy:

:pirate_flag: Misc

A small thing that’s been annoying me lately is when users mark books as read but don’t rate or review them. Not a problem for items that have already been rated/reviewed plenty, but for those which haven’t, it’s frustrating - particularly for Korean (or any of the newer languages on Natively), since it would be so helpful to have a little bit of feedback on whether books are worth reading. Hopefully this will be implemented at some point, which should help a little.

Also: I have 0 votes left for product requests. :smiling_face_with_tear: