👨‍❤️‍👨 BL Book Club 🎓 BL University 📚

we can always do those ourselves though :crazy_face:


very disappointing
a grumpy polish grandpa won’t cry about it but I will still complain

ur non-existing polish mothers will sit in the kitchen in the dark over this


I think a Polish barber would be happy, though! :poland: :barber:


North and south pole got completely forgotten… I can hear them weep in a corner. :pleading_face:


It’s official now! :partying_face:


A three-way tie. :sweat_smile:


I personally don’t mind playing “open the link” but I don’t think that was the idea when you made this :crazy_face: :joy:

edit: it’s fixed lol


Before I vote for this, are we definitely reading the other two after the first, or are they going into the next formal book poll?

Some this poll won’t be closed for a while.


Yeah, since reading one after the other was leading when the poll closed, we’ll be reading all three that were tied for first place. :smiling_face:


Just a heads up: about one hour left for the poll here!

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KKM will be our first read! :partying_face:



Since 今日からマ王! 魔王誕生編 | L30?? is the first two or three volumes of the LN in omnibus format, do we want to read everything in the omnibus? Or only volume 1 of the original LN?

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added already in sales but adding here since it’s relevant
there’s a 40% off coupon on a ton of things on bookwalker and I found the omnibus version of 今日からマ王 there
trying to find the others as well, will update

edit: on the sad note, FLESH & BLOOD is not eligible for the coupon :frowning:

edit2: there are too many options and I can’t find 女装 by name order so far so someone will need to check through checkout to see if the coupon works for it (I can’t since I have this already :sweat_smile:)
you don’t need to buy, just add to the cart and add the coupon in the checkout process to see if it lets you, and leave it at that without going forward (a.k.a no buying required)

this is the sale page with the coupon and a link to the eligible works list:


Just the first (original) volume, if people want to continue it’ll have to be via an offshoot book club.

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Okay, sounds good. I was going to post a link to the OG LN 1, but it looks like it’s super out of print. I’d pull open my physical copy of the omnibus to check out pages and where the split is, but it’s packed into a moving box and won’t be rescued for at least a week. (Here’s the OG for those curious.)

Another question for you: when are we starting reading? (You’re probably still getting stuff set up; sorry if it seems like I’m rushing you. Just looking forward to the next book, haha.)

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We can move to the KKM home thread for the details, still got to poll for what will be read second! :rofl:


Guess we also need to start culling nominations as well, huh. ;_;

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We had a three-way tie for first place after voting on the nominations, and decided to read the winners one after the other. 今日からマ王! was chosen as the first read, so now we can vote on which to read second.

(I’ll probably leave this open until we’re almost done with KKM)

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I would like to add my case in which interest wise I’m on the FLESH & BLOOD side but concentration wise my brain screams MANGA BREAK hence my vote :upside_down_face: :melting_face: