♨ 癒し系 Book Club 🌱 Next book: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる

Will we be voting for the next book soon?

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Yeah - maybe in a week or two? Get in your noms! :smile:

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Hmmm. I actually do have a nom in mind, an LN I read the first volume of in English and just super enjoyed the quiet vibes. There are some elements to it that do get a little intense, but I’m thinking I may just note those down as a warning and let the voting public decide. :thinking:


Oooo, our first non-manga nom, I’m intrigued! :star_struck:


contract between specter and servant

Title: 妖魔と下僕の契約条件 1 | L30??
Book type: light novel
Available formats: physical / ebook

Summary - Japanese

その日、足達正路は世界で一番不幸だった。 大学受験に失敗し二浪が確定。 バイト先からは実質的にクビを宣告された。 さらにひき逃げに遭い瀕死の重傷。 しかし死を覚悟したとき、怖ろしいほど美形の男が現れて言った。 「俺の下僕になれ」と。 自分のために働き「餌」となれば生かしてやると。 合意した正路は生還を果たすが、 契約の相手で、人間として骨董店を営む「妖魔」の司野と暮らすことになり……。 ドキドキ満載の傑作ファンタジー。 「妖僕シリーズ」、新たな装いで角川文庫化!

Summary - English

The worst―and last―day of his life! Masamichi Adachi left his hometown in the country to study agriculture at university. He prepared diligently for the exam, got his own apartment, and landed a part-time job to pay rent and support himself. He’s doing everything right, so why is it all going horribly wrong?! He’s failed the entrance exam twice, lost his job, and to top it all off, a hit-and-run leaves him a lonely, bloody mess on a dark road. Just as he accepts his fate and goes toward the light, an unlikely savior approaches, drawn by the smell of his blood. A contract with this stranger could give him a second chance at life, but will he agree to terms that include being eaten alive?

Content Warnings

Early on there is a fairly graphic description of Masamichi’s injuries after being run over, and later there is discussion of rape.

Reason(s) for nominating: I picked this up in English and read it while on vacation, and maybe it was just right time/right place, but I absolutely loved the quiet vibes this book has. It starts off melancholy, and we get to see our protagonist getting a new lease on life. It just really felt like 癒やし系 to me at the time; some parts felt almost meditative.

And because readers may be curious, here’s the author’s thoughts on whether this should be considered a BL title or not (taken from the English edition, emphasis not mine):

The Specter and Servant series was published by a label specializing in yaoi, where the basic theme is Boys Love or love between males. But I have never categorized my work as such, and like my other work, this is a story about someone developing feelings for another during their daily lives and nurturing a strong mutual bond.




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Nominations List

These are the nominations for the book club’s third pick.


Why not just keep and maintain a nom list instead of having to redo it each time?

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I like that you can go back and look at previous lists - maybe not all that useful for newer clubs, but it might be interesting/useful in the future, especially for eliminated titles). And I also worry that I’ll accidentally delete things. :sweat_smile:

It doesn’t take any longer than editing, since I just copy/paste, anyway. :smiley:


Ah, I totally understand that; looking back at historical poll options is always interesting; moreso if you’re new to the club, I feel.

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I’ll open the poll to decide our next read at the end of the week, so if you’ve got any suggestions, nominate them soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ll let you decide which of these are relevant to this club but here are the next ones on my list:
コーヒーが冷めないうちに コーヒーが冷めないうちに | L27
ちょっと今から仕事やめてくる (manga version) https://learnnatively.com/book/ccb39a777b/
かがみの孤城 上 (ポプラ文庫 つ 1-1 かがみの孤城 上 (ポプラ文庫 つ 1-1) | L26
マグメル深海水族館 2 (manga)
宇宙兄弟 1 (manga) 宇宙兄弟 1 | L28

It’s time to vote! :sunny:

For more information about individual books, refer to the nominations list. :cherry_blossom:

You can vote for a maximum of 5 entries, and voting closes Sunday 26th May. :slightly_smiling_face:

Which book(s) would you like to read?
  • f3f8f5b2-2167-4579-b092-20a86aa4ce5c きょうのにゃこ譚 1
  • kinou_nani_tabeta1きのう何食べた? 1
  • a0f7705ac58116c28e4b5e78b6512c1b26d4e416_2_262x375 甘々と稲妻 1
  • 4 ふらいんぐうぃっち 1
  • 56e00f9b-7d40-437d-9e51-c0e3f9b49d77 妹は猫 1
  • 7 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。1
  • 1 なおくんと和歌山おやつ。
  • Atarashii_Jōshi_wa_Do_Tennen_1 新しい上司はど天然 1
  • contract between specter and servant 妖魔と下僕の契約条件 1
0 voters

I am not sure any of these would be truly 癒し系. I don’t think any of these books make you feel good/relief even if they have a “happy end” (which not all stories in コーヒーが冷めないうち have). :thinking:


I just realized I’m going to have to remove my vote for 妖魔と下僕の契約条件 for this poll; I’ve got a work thing this July that’s going to stop any reading in its path, so I don’t want to vote for a non-manga this time.


And the winning book for our next read is…

The home thread will be up shortly! :grin:



I’m going to be a busybody and open up nominations here as well in @bibliothecary’s (hopefully temporary) absence.

Nominations are now open. The current book’s final week is July 15, so the poll for the next book will open July 20 and close July 28, with the new book starting August 5. Please let me know if you’d prefer a longer break after the end of the poll to source a physical copy of the book.

Current nominations:

Nominations List


Reminder that we have plenty of nomination slots left and only a few days left before the poll!


It’s poll time!

This poll will close on July 28, and we will start the chosen book on August 5. Please see the list of nominations here.

Edit: adding since I’m at the 3 post limit: Reminder that this poll is ongoing. If we don’t pick up more voters by the end of the voting period and the votes are still scattered thinly amongst the books, we’ll hold a similar delay poll to what the Children’s Club had.

@eefara Here you go :smile: