Bunko Edition Options

That case ended up being due to the fact that 星の王子さま is a translated book; should different translations count as “editions” in the sense we’re talking about in this thread?

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Fair point. Maybe have editions where the grading is merged (when it only has an effect on the page count/volume count), and other editions where the grading is independent because they are translations or adaptations ?

For example there’s the 本好き, which has the normal books, and the Tsubasa Bunko edition.
One could argue if the grading should be different or not, but it would be nice to have the option to merge / umerge on a case per case bases.

Not sure how viable this is, maybe @brandon can chip in


You’re right you can’t do that now - @seanblue was proposing a number of ideas, although it’s been discussed before and makes sense.

Oh yeah I don’t qualify different translations as different editions… they’re simply different books entirely as the text isn’t the same.

‘Edition handling’ as we’re discussing here only applies to different publications of the same text. Tsubasabunko, for instance, usually just applies hiragana and keeps the text the same making it simply a different edition. There are some rare cases as @Naphthalene mentioned where the tsubasabunko does change a few things, like a chapter, but for all intents and purposes, I think it’s usually ok to treat them as simply different editions.


Lots of good discussion since I last saw this just a short while ago. If it matters, I was trying to help with a misunderstanding (a team of developers versus a single person), and to help clarify a good feature request that sounded similar to another request and contained charged words. It’s easy to misconstrue words on the internet. :pensive:


I mean don’t get me wrong, I get where people see that I am frustrated, because I was. Which is why I said:

But I did try in my frustration to find a solution that was realistic and reasonable as someone who enjoys the product. I could have done better to not seem so angsty. However, this was a genuine request to find a solution and not just me ranting in an unhinged manner. I care about the functionality of the site as a user and want to see it improve. That’s all.