Do you trust Natively levels?

Agreed. The only time you should feel the need to not grade something is when you truly cannot remember how difficult it was compared to something else. Despite all the complaining me and others have done in this thread of levels being off and gradings being wrong, that is exactly what makes the site work. It’s not one person’s opinion, but an aggregate of what everyone thinks, which is what makes it work so well.

Gradings used to feel like a reward for me. But since I stopped being able to grade extra it’s gotten harder and feels more like a chore now. (It was a bug at first, but now the button is completely gone so I think the ability is removed from the site.)

I used to be able to remember the relative difficulty of things pretty easily because I was constantly doing extra gradings which would cause me to continually have to remember the difficulty. Now that I don’t have that constant reminder, I quickly forget how difficult something was and end up skipping half of the gradings until I find something that I do remember.

This makes it feel like more work, and also makes me more unsure of the gradings that I do manage to give.