🐰 Home Thread for Magical boy Natsuki x Loveits 🎀 | Week 4

Welcome to the book club for the Magical Boy Natsuki x Loveits series!
(Using partially the official English title from the cover, since we are going for a multilingual book club Actually using the official English title; what’s a loveit you ask? Read with us to find out!).

This bookclub is part of the BL Book Club.
The series is finished and comprised of 4 volumes. The original vote was to read all of them, but I guess this will depend on participation.

Natively pages:

Club Schedule

Week Volume # Chapters (Inclusive) Page Count
1 1 1 56
2 1 2 44
3 1 3 36
4 1 4 46 (+1p digital only omake)
5 2 5 40
6 2 6 44
7 2 7 42
8 2 8 36
9 2 9 41 (+1p omake)

Discussion Guidelines

  • Spoilers should always be hidden using spoiler blur.
  • When discussing a specific section, please mention where you are in the book, ideally by chapter so people reading different versions have a clear point of reference.
  • Feel free to read ahead if it’s exciting, but please refrain from spoiling ahead of the appropriate week.
  • If you have a question about grammar, vocab, cultural things, etc - ask! That’s a welcome part of the discussion too, and other readers will be happy to help.
Will you be reading along when the club starts on January 13th?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • I’ll be reading, but at my own pace
0 voters
What type of media will you be consuming the book as?
  • Physical
  • eBook
0 voters

As far as I can see, chapters are 40~50 pages long. Volumes 3 and 4 have some shorter ones, but I think we can combine them with the one arounds and keep things around ~60 pages max.

Would that be okay with everyone?

  • Yes
  • Faster :rabbit2: :dash:
  • I have another idea
0 voters

Oh, didn’t even know this had a book club. It’s been on my PTW list since I saw other people reading it and I saw the cute magical boy on the cover. So I guess I’ll join in lol


That’s also my reason to want to read it :joy: Welcome!



Why is it that when one is already completely overwhelmed with book clubs, more irresistable book clubs tend to pop up? :smiling_face_with_tear:


Join all the bookclubs!


Who are you and what have you done with “I’m trying to keep myself out of more bookclubs by only reading things I already own or nominate myself” shitsurei? :wolf:


And who convinced me to become a werewolf join your bookclub? :joy:


I would never! Must’ve been a werewolf posing as me.

Other things that I would definitely never do include derailing threads. Sorry folks!


If joining ALL the bookclubs is being a werewolf is being a vampire joining a specific club and reading ahead of everybody


Just a reminder that we’re about a week away from starting, for those who may still need to procure a copy.


I am finally on a computer, so I could edit the schedule.
I only put stuff up for the first two volumes, since volume 3 is where things start to be unbalanced.
The easiest way is to combine chapters, but that brings stuff up to 60+ pages, so I think we should see how people feel about that when we get there.


Just one week left! I’m pretty excited to re-read this; I enjoyed it the first time, and am looking forward to taking it all in again the second.


Would you mind detailing a bit the themes this series is about, preferably with minimal spoilers? I read the preview but I’m still not sold on it… The art style is cute but the general premise seems sus. :see_no_evil:


Sure! This is a coming-of-age tale with a bit of found family thrown in. Our hero Natsuki is a young man who starts the tale in denial of what he likes and how he wants to live life (as a cute magical girl/boy), and through his trials and tribulations against the bad guys :tm: must re-examine his beliefs and emotions surrounding his inner emotional turmoil.

Hmm, yeah, the addition to the general premise I didn’t mention above is a tough one. :sweat_smile: For those not in the know, the bad guys’ plan involves one of them kissing Natsuki (a middle schooler) on the lips (the needed kiss is presumably chaste; no further details are given for the specifics of the act) (and now that I’m thinking again, I’m trying to remember if a kiss on the lips is even required, or if a forehead/cheek kiss works as well. :thinking:) ; I don’t remember if ages for the bad guys were given off the top of my head, but general ages range from probably-high-school to might-be-young-middle-age. (I can re-check my books to see if they specify if anyone requests.)

For what it’s worth, I’m not a fan of age-gap stuff, and I had no issues reading this. But I also read a lot of stuff that’s probably trash, so disclaimer applies. And despite the premise, I would honestly say that this (for the most part except for [spoiler]) sits on that edge of “marketed towards BL readers, but little to no ‘actual’ BL happens” type deal, for those wondering about the BL aspect.

I felt like the author presented all the attempted kissing in such a way that didn’t feel creepy, as it’s generally accompanied by Natsuki finding his inner bravery and winning the fight, but all mileages may vary, I’m sure.

Does that help, Belerith? I can answer more specific questions as well if needed!


So, err, I am already done with week 1.
I thought I would take a quick peek ahead, I read “a page or two” and it suddenly says “chapter 2”. 解せぬ.

Well, I’ll still wait until tomorrow to comment on the content.


Does it start tomorrow? I couldn’t find a starting date anywhere.


Yep! Starting date is in the participation poll at the top.


We start!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Btw guys I recommend this mangaka in general, not just this work by her!! (She has 僕の呪いの吸血姫 1 | L24 and 魔法使いの弟子が笑う時。 1 | L23 as well, which are both awesome too)