🐰 Home Thread for Magical boy Natsuki x Loveits 🎀 | Week 4

+1 recommendation from me for 僕の呪いの吸血姫! (Sadly I really couldn’t get into 魔法使いの弟子が笑う時。 at all despite liking her other two works so much.)


Finished chapter 1! I had forgotten, but I’ll rectify that now: this :clap: manga :clap: is :clap: so :clap: stinking :clap: cute :clap:. Everyone playing dead so Natsuki didn’t get embarrassed, the bad guys agreeing with the general sentiment of 天使だ, Natsuki’s “illness” being needing to dress cute. Monzaemon’s got some great comedic moments as well.

I had also kind of forgotten how action-packed this is right off the bat; we just jump straight into things. On review, I guess the whole kissing shtick is justified in-universe as being part of the magic system, so it was nice to see the “make a contract with the staff with a kiss” bit here.

I’m reading this physically as opposed to digitally, like I did the first time, and it’s a much smoother experience imo. Glad I grabbed physical copies of them all.

@Naphthalene I want to hear your thoughts. :open_mouth: @bibliothecary are you joining us? Who else is reading, I want to hear everyone’s thoughts. ^o^


Right, I meant to write them but kept being distracted (mostly by 魔導具師ダリヤはうつむかない ~今日から自由な職人ライフ~ 1 | L30; every time I had some free time, I was like “I could go on the forum… orrrrrrr I could read more ダリヤ; alright, just 5 more minutes”).
Now that I am done with volume 1 and before I get stuck in volume 2, I guess it’s the perfect timing to write :joy:

Strong agreement here!

I do disagree about one (1) thing though:

Everyone playing dead so Natsuki didn’t get embarrassed

That makes no sense to me. How can you get absolutely everyone to play along? In a bunch of teenager you are bound to get at least a few that would not, just on principle (they are rebels and cool and independent thinkers, you see). Also, they are way too well organized, without any rehearsal? Or did they actually rehears scenarios where he does end up walking around in a cute outfit?
I mean, it’s fine, it’s minor enough that I can just shrug it off, though :joy:

I think the highest challenge for me when reading this series will be to remember the age of the main character and keep my mind out of the gutter. The bad guys are really attractive too, I am having confused feelings about the situation.
That being said, I didn’t see anything saying it has to be on the lips? I feel like you could just dash at Natsuki head first and hope your lips land anywhere. That sounds a lot easier than aiming for the lips :thinking:


Yeah, I would definitely just think of it as a surprisingly-coordinated fan club set in a world with magic and aliens. :sweat_smile: Like you said, don’t think too hard about it. I think it was only the kids looking into the hallway anyway; I get the feeling they would’ve pushed anyone not cooperating back into a classroom or something.

Right, hahaha? That’s why it’s so hard for me to feel like I’ve explained my feelings properly for this series. It’s sending all kinds of signals to my brain. :sweat_smile:

You’re probably right. I think I just remember “on the lips” as a specific goal because everyone gets reeeaaal close to his face when they go for it, and modern media has trained me to think that there’s no possible other place for lips in such a scenario.

I suppose if nothing else it’s going to look like they’re aiming for the lips to the casual observer, so it seemed prudent to at least mention the possibility, since that could turn some folks off.


So I would like to say that I’ve just finished volume 2 and there’s an explanation (kinda, doesn’t hold super strong but there is one)


Calling it now: they are all subunits of the same singular hivemind.


volume 2 spoilers:

omg I wish it was a hivemind, that would have been so much funnier lmao

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The cult of Natsuki, as it were.


Just finished chapter 1. The art is so super cute, and despite the plot summary making no sense at all, it’s so far been a fun read.

I sorta missed what was going on in the dashed boxes when everyone was pretending to be passed out. Like I understood all of the text but I was confused about the context?


The one that says (*意) is because it’s not said, the guy is just gesturing. The other one is because the guy is whispering. (There’s another text box that looks dashed, but it’s juste because there are white lines on the whole panel to show it’s a flashback)


Oh, interesting; I didn’t realize that.


Ahhhhhh. THAT’S what I missed. :blush:


I was going to slip this one, but then I realized I had actually already bought the first volume. I wasn’t super into chapter 1. Probably I’m not the target audience (although trivially the target audience for any stuff is always people that are into that stuff, so that’s not a very meaningful observation).

Chapter 1

The part where the whole school is coordinating and badly acting to spare Natsukis feelings reminded me of おとめバレ | L20 where a girl is very badly pretending to be a boy and everyone acts along for her because they assume there is some deep or tragic reason behind it. But it’s just that she accidentally ticked the wrong gender on her application for school and now thinks she will be dispelled if they find out she is really a girl. (I don’t particularly recommend this series, but it’s somewhat funny for one volume).


Me: Oh that sounds hilarious, let me go add that to my wishlist…
*looks at covers*
Ah. Nevermind.


I had the same thought process, haha


Speaking of not being in the target audience…

In other news, it’s Monday (in Japan). Time for week 2


my exact process

Natsuki's cuteness shines so brightly...

…that you can even see it if you cover your eyes

I’m slowly catching up with this last book club. Just in time for the weekend, when the other three continue :smiling_face_with_tear: :sweat_smile:


My own book club reads have been getting pushed to the end of the week as well, haha. Still need to read 人狼サバイバル…


So, after reading week 2:

I feel like magic stuff can be a bit annoying since it’s pretty difficult to understand for very little reward. If it were hard sci fi or a hard, well developed magic system, there would be more of a reward for deciphering things.

Now that I think about it, I think Star Trek with all its technobabble would be potentially very annoying for language learners.