Home Thread for Mentirosa

It’s been right in that sweet spot for me! :slight_smile:

I only finished week 4’s chapter 8 yesterday do I’m a bit behind, but that’s really only due to a lack of scheduling on my part. I’ll read a chapter in a single sitting usually.

Chapter 8 was really cute! I liked how they both got a bit flustered sharing what they liked in the other. :blush: O appreciate that we’re getting to know both of them more a as characters. Especially Nina needed some getting fleshed out.


Chapters 9 & 10: And thus begins your typical “unpopular nerd suddenly catapults to the school’s social heights”. :sweat_smile: Hoping we don’t get too much of this; it’s always felt unrealistic to me. I did enjoy the section where Nina and Alexia just chatted with each other about their plans for the future and whatnot; I hope Alexia achieves her dreams of working at NASA. :rocket:


Finished chapters 5 and 6!

My absolute favorite fake relationship trope setup is when it starts out with neither character in love with each other, but becomes like that over time (I like fake things becoming real—I’m a wrestling fan, what can I say?), so I was a bit disappointed to find out that Alexia already had a crush on Nina haha, but I’m still a sucker for this trope anyway, so I’m sure it’ll be fun regardless.


We’ve arrived at week 7!


Finished chapters 7 and 8! Only a couple weeks behind now.

I thought the conversation in chapter 8 was really cute! It was nice to see how it brought some real feelings out of them. This is why fake dating trope is the best :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


Finished chapters 9 and 10!

Only planned on reading for a really short time, but ended up wanting to see what happened to Alexia at school, so I read past the time I had set aside for this and finished the chapter, haha. YA books are so good at reeling you in like that…

It’s interesting how when Alexia ended up in proximity to someone with social power, her social standing improved among the normies, but she faced resentment and suspicion among others in her same social rung… I guess I actually found that plausible, haha.

My guess is that Nina is going to see her own status take a hit among her existing friends for choosing to associate with someone with less status like Alexia. They might let in Alexia (and Cris, reluctantly) to some extent with the parties and such, but I feel like those offers will be extended with clear resentment.

Guess we’ll just have to see how it goes!


Finished chapters 11 and 12!

What is this?? I’m actually caught up for once?

Ah, here Nina gets her first taste of homophobia… It doesn’t seem like she’s realized that regardless of whether she’s faking being a lesbian or not, life probably won’t ever go back to “normal” for her now because people will always assume she’s not straight, and it’s not like she can just be like “oh we were faking!” after the relationship ends…

I found it interesting that she claimed to be a lesbian for the lie instead of bisexual. At least with “bisexual”, if she only ever dates men afterward, she’d still fit the label, but “lesbian” seems to preclude her from ever dating another man lol unless she wants to have to repeatedly clarify her sexuality and make people retroactively doubt the veracity of her relationship with Alexia. Makes you wonder if even now, some part of her realizes that the lie might have more truth to it than she wants to accept…


Congrats! :partying_face::tada:

I’m also looking forward to watching the tangles and twists grow, haha. So far it seems like most of the basketball team isn’t handling it super well and might prove problematic later on, what with Nina being captain… I thought Bambi might be gay herself judging by how nervous she was during her conversation with Nina and how she kept to herself before as well. She could be a strong supporter on the team.


I got the same impression!

This line specifically: “Has sido muy valiente, ojalá yo fuese capaz de hacer algo así.” It immediately read to me like Bambi was basically saying she wished she was brave enough to come out like that. When I read the chapter initially, I had to actually reread that conversation a little more closely to make sure she didn’t actually come out in it haha because it gave me such a strong impression that she had, but I wanted to make sure… I think the subtext is very strong there in any case.


Week 8 has begun!

Chapters 13&14

Nina is going to be a complete social outcast by the end of the book if she is not careful. She may be discovering the joy of true friendship and discovering her inner sexuality, but is it really worth it? She’ll be ditching her posh frocks for cargo pants, and the basketball team for the soccer team if she’s not careful…

Got to feel sorry for Alexia’s parents. Sounds like they have been really supportive of her and they suffering a lot thanks to all the lying!


This hit me harder than expected. I’m really glad Alexia has such a good support system, but at the same time it’s a lot harder to read how disappointed they were. Not sure if it’s a good thing or not that Nina’s not really in the same position; I’m wondering if this whole scenario is going to be the initial step towards mending her relationship with her dad somehow. :thinking: Maybe her basketball “friends” are going to push her over the edge and she decides she wants to play soccer more now? (Though not giving up those basketball scholarships, of course.) Which she then tells her dad, who’s shocked out of his parental stupor.


Me quedo ensimismada con lo que acaba de decir, o quizá es por la hermosa sonrisa que me ha regalado.

This is a cool word that came up in chapter 9. Although a bit of a mouthful!



absorbed, engrossed, lost in thought


Week 9! Only one chapter this week!


Week 9/Chapter 15: Wow, that was a nice little date! Neat to learn that Alexia 's part Korean as well.


I read chapters 13 and 14 a few days ago and then totally forgot to post my impressions, haha.

Seems like Nina is figuring out who her real friends are, huh? :smiling_face_with_tear:. I’m not the kind of person who goes to big parties like that at all, but I empathized with her getting kicked out of the group chat and having her friends plan events without her… I wonder how this will affect her social media influencer career? You’d think that losing access to those upper class social circles would have an equal or greater impact to her follower base than the homophobic slur video going viral…

I was a bit surprised by how comfortable she has gotten around Alexia already, to the point where they were just doing normal girlfriend stuff seemingly just because they enjoyed it. It’s nice to see Nina seeming to genuinely befriend Cris, too.


Read week 10 a tad early. Nice and short chapter, getting ready for the year-end fiesta.


I’m also done with WK 10. :slight_smile:

Alexia must be dying inside with Nina flirting like that!

I really hope Nina will stay firm and not go without Cris to that party… It’s clearly some sort of scheme, and I can’t see it go well for anyone. Except Ezra. :upside_down_face:

I’m wondering if maybe Ezra told everyone she’d invited Nina? The two girls reaction in the changing room could mean they’re starting to think for themselves.


Week 10 has started!


Finished reading chapter 15 last week but forgot to post in here, and just finished chapter 16 just now.

Uh oh, Ezra’s party seems like trouble… Agreed with Belerith that I hope Nina doesn’t go, or at least if she does, that she breaks Ezra’s rule and brings Cris somehow. It seems like despite her homophobia, Ezra can find it in herself to tolerate lesbians, but won’t tolerate transgender people, which is unfortunately a realistic depiction of a bigot… :pensive:

I did laugh a bit at how much importance they were ascribing to prom. I never went to a single high school dance when I was in school, and I have zero regrets whatsoever.