How did you progress onto full Japanese books?

I haven’t re-read those specific books, but I am currently rereading Girl Last Tour with a discussion group, and I think I’ve felt a major difference lol. I feel like it had taken me like a half an hour to read a chapter, but now It’s like 7.
For 魔法が消えていく… I struggled quite a bit when I started, having to look up like 50-60 words a chapter, but as I continued with it I definitely have noticed I’ve improved.

I am currently reading 天元突破グレンラガン (which is rated lower than it actually is because I assumed it would have been at the same level as the other novelizations I’ve read. It’s actually closer to the same level of 魔法が消えていく. Probably like L25? IDK.)


An idea that I am testing out, is I want reading to come from personal drive, so I try to find mangas that’s not too hard for my level, and try to read through several volumes. Then, it’s also hard to stick to a Book Club, as people focus too much on quality and forcing themselves too much (making it a chore). I also find myself having to slow myself down, so the drive fails.

Then, a truth is I have been reading a short comic strip, or a just a chapter, for a while, perhaps even before starting Wanikani.

I also read Tadoku Graded Readers and Satori Reader, but that was after starting Wanikani (around Level 10 or something).

Anyway, manga is pretty easy for me to get started. Not sure about other medias. I am trying to get audiobooks to help with (light) novels.

I might have finished a volume of No.6 at around Wanikani Level 40, around with the newly born Book Clubs, but that didn’t stick, so it might be considered a failure.

Anyway, not too hard + amount, might be the idea. Another part is one series / general plot, at a time. I also try to make general quality, and applicable to the future; but avoid feeling forced at any cost.