ぼぎわんが、来る Informal Reading Club (part of the Horror Club)

finally getting around to reading this. :eyes:


done with chapter 1… this is slow going… could have been tightened up a bit, imo.
I agree with everyone saying that he doesn’t seem to be as good a husband/father as he makes himself out to be.
I wonder what exactly happend with the grandfather… since the entity seems to believe he has Hisanori’s blood on his hands or something… did he cause the accident?

Seems like we have a female POV next. :eyes:


Finished chapter 2.

We were right about the husband. What a shitty dude. but damn, I was hoping they would be able to get away but Chisa got eaten. :cry: I found interesting that Kana was like, no matter how bad Hideki was, he really tried to save them and she can’t let his death go to waste… and I am like… girl, you’re still finding positive things to say about that guy? :melting_face:

Now at Chapter 3, part 3.

At some point I was wondering if the ぼぎわん is just a stand in for “illness” like cancer and not an actual monster, but seems like it is an actual monster:melting_face:

According to the audiobook, I still have over 2 hours to go, so probably not gonna finish today, but tomorrow will be the day. :eyes:

The forum won’t let me add anymore replies, so I’ll keep editing this one. :melting_face:


Oh dear! I’ll unblock you


I really enjoyed the first 2 chapters… but the third was… I don’t know… underwhelming… and I feel it could have been shortened quite a bit. :melting_face:

But overall, I enjoyed it and would definitely read more from the author. :eyes: