It would be nice to have some sort of "blur" or "block" and rating for adult, suggestive, safe content

I mentioned this before and yeah, I saw a lot of suggestive covers pop up recently as well. Problem is, it’s not always adult content, but also ecchi?
Something like

would definitely make me uncomfortable in public :sweat_smile:

And the school girls hentai that I complained about back then is also still here, along with tons of other books in the hentai category, so I wonder how these book covers are supposed to be not allowed?

I wish that when I block users that their activity would be hidden in the feed as well, but it’s not working that way currently.

Edit: I would be completely fine if there were 2 settings in profile, one for blur adult content covers and one for blur ecchi content covers. I would be totally ok with some non-ecchi looking covers getting caught up in this as well, if it means I can finally browse the learnnatively feed in the subway :smiley:

Edit2: And as I mentioned in my other post, I feel like the school girls hentai might be illegal where I live, but I don’t wanna start researching and googling laws around that and even less open the manga itself to check, but just that it makes me think it might be illegal content is enough to maybe reconsider making users able to straight up block/hide content.