Japanese children and youth books

Hello there!
I am reading a child’s book called Tottochan and absolutely like that there is Furigana on every kanji. I’d love to get more of these books. Has anyone an idea where to find some? I want plain texts no pictures. I don’t know if it’s children or youth level or something in between. I have kindle also.

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I don’t read a whole lot of children’s lit so I don’t know if there are any with zero pictures or if the best you’ll get is just a handful interspersed throughout.

Imprints such as Aoi Tori Bunko and Tsubasa Bunko (the blue- and green-border books; I’m pretty sure there’s a third one that’s orange, but I don’t remember what it’s called) all have full furigana and a reduced amount of kanji.

I have a few by ポプラ社 and 小学館 that have more furigana than in non-children’s lit, but they’re not full-furi.

If you’re looking to order physical books, probably any bookseller should have some. CDJapan lets you search by publisher/imprint, so I imagine other sites would too. I have no experience with ebooks.


Check this thread: Where to find Green bordered books?


There’s a table of children’s book publishers with links in the first post:


Oh, CD Japan looks good for looking up for children’s book. Thanks! :smiling_face:

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Of course! Everyone’s welcome to join. :smile: