took a little break from okami to let srs do its magic, but back to it. Really appreciate the ferocity with which dogs wag their tails everywhere in this game, your character included
I did get a bit lost today and looked up a guide (in japanese! trying to be better about this when looking up info on games n stuff when I get stuck) for one section, and once I saw the solution I remembered that I’d also gotten stuck here in english, so I don’t think it was a language issue
puzzle and solution
There’s usually pretty good indicators for what you’re supposed to do for these puzzles and they’re pretty straightforward or give you forced camera angles or big flashing indicators for what you should be doing, but for some reason this one just gave you like no real in-game hints.
There’s a sparrow gang who wont let you into their area because the boss’s daughter is missing, and they don’t know where she is, but you know that you need to enter to rescue one of the guardian dogs of a nearby town, so clearly this is a now problem and not a come back later problem.
Relatively close to that area, there is a broken down house with a knife wielding old 舌切りババ , and if you go up around the back side you can use a bomb to enter through a boarded up hole in the roof. After you fall in, issun tells you that the hole will let moonlight in, and maybe you can do something with that. So I came back at night, looked around, but nothing obvious stood out in the room. Assumed that I needed another item or ability and left.
Turns out you have to drag 舌切りババ into the moonlight to reveal her true form, then slay the demons and rescue the sparrow to gain access to the area they are in. But the knife doesn’t like obviously glitter in the room or anything, and being able to drag people around has only been for lil gags up to this point not a main mechanic in anything.
Now, after the fact and trying to figure out if this was some story I was missing out on, a lot of this information comes together nicely in Shita-kiri Suzume - Wikipedia. If you know the story, it’d be obvious that if you walk past the evil knife woman house and then walk up to the sparrow gang headquarters and they say their daughter is missing to go “oh, duh, it’s playing on 舌切り雀” and then know where she was.
But even then I made it as far as that knowledge would have taken me, and still didn’t solve the rest of it on my own so
Treating it as a learning experience, more struggling = more learning, or something