🧹 魔女の宅急便 🐈‍⬛ Kiki's Delivery Service 🌙 Home Thread

Chapter 1 Impressions:

Reading this was much smoother this time around and because I wasn’t spending time looking up words, I enjoyed the narration style a lot.

I liked the feeling of seeing almost like a drone camera panning from far above the village and slowly coming down to enter through the gates and residence of Kiki’s family.
The speaking style was very soothing and I chuckled a little bit at "もう 、 おわかりでしょうか 。この家には、魔女の一家が住んでいるのです。It reminds me of a children’s show where they quiz you in the middle to check you’re paying attention to the details. :laughing:

Comparison to the Movie:

Kiki somehow comes off as more immature and a bit bratty compared to the film. But I think it’s very realistic since she’s barely 13 and not very worldly (yet!). Also the little bit about her black cat familiar is an interesting departure – makes me wonder why that was changed (it’s also one of the parts that always makes me really sad, so I’m glad she keeps Jiji until she’s at least married here)!

Reading books for kids is always somehow a bit harder because of the lack of kanji. :sweat_smile: But it’s a good way to remember vocab without using it as a crutch.