Level+1 Reading Challenge 📚📈

What’s your target book, out of curiosity?


It’s the last book on my list - 容疑者Xの献身 by 東野圭吾. It’s been a special story to me ever since the movie blew me away when I first watched it several years ago. I loved the concept of having a mathematician and physicist face off, made especially juicy by the fact that they were friends in college, I loved how the depiction of the mathematician felt less stereotypical and rang more true to me as someone who loves the subject, and the twist at the end made it all even more mind-blowing.

I did read the English translation years back, and honestly, I enjoyed the movie a bit more. I preferred having more ambiguity about one of the main character’s feelings and intentions, because I think it made the ending better. But I still want to read it in Japanese and enjoy the original work that inspired it all!