ライトノベル読書会 📚 Light Novel Book Club | Next Book Apr 1

The one that was manually closed had the exact same problem, so, other than offering the option to vote again, a manual close wouldn’t do much if the problem happens again.


Well, but with a manual close you can take a screenshot before something happens.

Then maybe @brandon can report this issue happening if he can’t pinpoint why it’s happening in the back-end


Just curious, after this book club is over, we will get a chance to nominate more books before the next vote, right? Because there is a book I want to nominate for next time that I didn’t have the chance to when the initial nominations were open. :sob:

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I think you can nominate it now if you want. :slight_smile:


Speaking of timing, I wonder when we should have the next poll?
On WK, polls took place ~6 weeks before the next book, so that people had time to get it. Considering that there are only 6 weeks left on コップクラフト, we should start thinking about it, I think.

(Also, there was that as well:

I don’t think we have done that yet :sweat_smile:)

Edit: I just checked and we went from 18 people who cared about the club (15 reading + 3 discussion only) down to 10 at the end of last week (9 reading + 1 discussion only). That feels on par with my experience with book clubs on WK.
As for myself, I realized that I could just follow along the 本好き club with the audiobook only as well.



Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no

Summary - Japanese



Summary - English (Anilist)

Tatsuhiro Satou, a university dropout entering his fourth year of unemployment. He leads a reclusive life as a hikikomori, ultimately coming to the bizarre conclusion that this happened due to some sort of conspiracy. One day just when his life seems entirely unchanging, he meets Misaki Nakahara, a mysterious girl who claims to be able to cure Tatsuhiro of his hikikomori ways. She presents him with a contract basically outlining that once a day they would meet in the evening in a local park where Misaki would lecture to Tatsuhiro in an effort to rid him of his lifestyle. During these outings, many subjects are discussed, though they almost always pertain in some way to psychology or psychoanalysis.

Content warnings if known

Suicide and just generally mental health related topics

Why are you nominating this book: I’ve wanted to read this book for years, and having finally ordered it, I thought it would be nice to be able to discuss it with other people. Despite being a light novel, it only has one volume, meaning the club can read the whole story together, instead of potentially having an incomplete narrative from reading only one volume out of many. Besides, who doesn’t like reading books about crazy conspiracy theorists (who hopefully undergo some personal growth)?


That sounds really interesting!! Definitely added to my list… Not that I’ll get to it anytime soon :sweat_smile:


I was thinking of nominating

but the physical edition is long gone through regular shopping venues.

So not sure how much that’s a deal breaker for potential participants.


For me, the cover is the deal breaker. I assume that’s going to be more common than a lack of physical media :sweat_smile:

I feel you. it’s probably not as pedo as the cover makes it out to be, but yeah… :face_holding_back_tears:

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The cover might give the wrong idea? I can’t really tell.

It’s a weird school love comedy. Now if all school love comedies are being called that then :person_shrugging:


Sounds worth making a general poll for “If a nomination didn’t include physical copies (or they were hard to get), how would that affect your vote?” Or something vaguely like that


Yes! As @seanblue mentioned, people are free to nominate at any time! Up until we have 20 options to pick from, since that’s Discourse’s limit on poll options.

That’s a good point; crazy how time flies. Maybe, since we’re at this point, we could do something like:

July 24: “officially” open nominations (they’re always open, but this would just be an advertising period and for people to start looking at choices again)
July 31: voting for the next picks begins
August 7: voting closes

コップクラフト finishes the week of August 21, and if we have a week break before starting the next book, book #2 would start September 4, which would give folks 4 weeks to order their physical copy from the point that voting closes.

If folks feel that the extra time to order a physical copy isn’t needed, we could wait a week or two for voting; just depends.

[Please see my next post for the poll; it was acting oddly in this post for some reason.]

If you answered yes and have a specific amount of time in mind that would be convenient for you, please let me know!

:eyes: Whoops. :sweat_smile: Ah well; I didn’t see anyone mentioning it earlier, so maybe they also forgot…?

If a nomination didn’t include physical copies (or they were hard to get), how would that affect your vote?
  • I would still vote for the book
  • I wouldn’t vote for the book
0 voters

…Something weird is going on with the polls. Let me see if I can fix.

Would you like extra time built into the book club cycle to order a physical copy of the newest pick?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Doesn’t matter
0 voters

I would just default to including an “order period”. I am mostly doing ebooks but I don’t mind a longer break and if it gets more people to join, I definitely don’t mind. :smiling_face:


Do we re-nominate things from the first poll, if we still want to see them this time around?

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Nope; they’ll hang on in the list of nominations unless they don’t get any votes in a book-picking poll. Anything that’s cut from the list we’ll let sit for a few book cycles before allowing it for re-nomination.


I’d probably increase the cut to everything with 1-2 votes, and not just 0 votes, based on how the poll went last time.

Otherwise we might run out of slots for next round for new nominations.


Should I nominate some more stuff? I already nominated so much. :see_no_evil:

are the 3 series I would want to nominate. :eyes:


I feel like I’ve nominated too much too :sweat_smile: , aside from the one mentioned earlier I had a few more in my mind.