(Taking the last nom slot here. Sill need to add @shitsurei’s to the table.)
Book: 裏世界ピクニック 1 ふたりの怪異探検ファイル | L33
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: yes
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in Korean?: yes
Summary - Japanese
Summary - English
(DeepL) It was when she was dying after seeing “that thing” in the “back side” that she met Toriko Nishina - that day, the life of a weary college girl, Sorago Kamikoshi, changed completely. The dangerous existence of “wiggle” and “Hakushaku-sama”, which are told as true ghost stories, appear in this mysterious underworld, which is full of mysteries next to reality. In order to research, earn money, and find their loved ones, Toriko and Sorayoi step into an extraordinary world…a survival story of two girls exploring the mysterious, presented by an up-and-coming author of entertaining science fiction!
Content warnings if known
None known.
Why are you nominating this book: I’ve heard this recommended time and time again as a good (slow) yuri sci-fi/horror series, so I’m pretty interested in trying it.