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Book: 妖魔と下僕の契約条件 1 | L30??
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Is there an audiobook available?: no
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
Summary - Japanese
その日、足達正路は世界で一番不幸だった。 大学受験に失敗し二浪が確定。 バイト先からは実質的にクビを宣告された。 さらにひき逃げに遭い瀕死の重傷。 しかし死を覚悟したとき、怖ろしいほど美形の男が現れて言った。 「俺の下僕になれ」と。 自分のために働き「餌」となれば生かしてやると。 合意した正路は生還を果たすが、 契約の相手で、人間として骨董店を営む「妖魔」の司野と暮らすことになり……。 ドキドキ満載の傑作ファンタジー。 「妖僕シリーズ」、新たな装いで角川文庫化!
Summary - English
The worst―and last―day of his life! Masamichi Adachi left his hometown in the country to study agriculture at university. He prepared diligently for the exam, got his own apartment, and landed a part-time job to pay rent and support himself. He’s doing everything right, so why is it all going horribly wrong?! He’s failed the entrance exam twice, lost his job, and to top it all off, a hit-and-run leaves him a lonely, bloody mess on a dark road. Just as he accepts his fate and goes toward the light, an unlikely savior approaches, drawn by the smell of his blood. A contract with this stranger could give him a second chance at life, but will he agree to terms that include being eaten alive?
Content warnings if known
Early on there is a fairly graphic description of Masamichi’s injuries after being run over, and later there is discussion of rape.
Why are you nominating this book: I nominated this over in the 癒し系 book club as well, but since I think that club tends to favor lower-leveled books and is currently on hiatus anyway, I wanted to nominate it here as well.