Is there an audiobook available?: yes or no (if so, please list where it is available, since that information isn’t easily grabbable on Natively)
Is there an all-furigana version available?: no
(Optional) Is this book available in another Natively language?: yes. I don’t know about spanish or korean. But I know the whole series is officially translated in German, whereas only some have an official English release.
Summary - Japanese
第1巻の内容紹介: ゲーム好きでぼっちな高校生、雨野景太。そんな彼が、「……私に付き合って、ゲーム部に、入ってみない?」美少女、天道花憐に声をかけられ――。ゲーム部の日常が始まると思いきや!? 勘違い錯綜青春ラブコメ!!
Summary - English
[DeepL Translation - needs review] Volume 1 Introduction: Keita Ameno is a game-loving, lonely high school student. He was asked by a beautiful girl, Karen Tendo, "… to join the game club. He is approached by a beautiful girl, Karen Tendo. He thinks that the daily life of the game club will begin, but what happens? This is a romantic comedy of youth and misunderstanding!
Content warnings if known
Why are you nominating this book: I love the anime. It’s just a silly romcom with sometimes wonky animations and objectively I couldn’t say that it’s anything special. But the humor and lovable characters make it special to me. I’m surprised that a simple romcom is L34. Either it’s overrated and we as a BC can adjust it down, or it’s the ideal book for me to try something harder.