Alright folks, things should be updated in the home post and nomination post now. Big thanks to @Naphthalene for helping me while I was traveling!
We have 8 nomination slots open, but given our delayed start of the next book (we will officially start on January 1, perfect for all your bingo needs), no nominations will be accepted going forward until we’re a bit closer to voting on the book after Raven, just to keep things fresh and open for those who may join the club later.
So I was going to ask about this when we got closer - do we want to do the multilingual club again? I figure in the long run it doesn’t make much difference; just a different forum to post it on and a bit more setup in terms of planning.
I guess, if there’s the possibility and one of the peeps that does KR helps set-up shouldn’t be too much trouble and a net benefit for those who want to join on that side as well?
I can’t read at all, so I’m completely lost. It will be fun if I visit Korea in January.
Alright multi-lingual (master list), and thread updated.
Pending to add home thread and tag, once we are closer to the start date.
But adding makes it for a heads up for those who stumble upon those thread lists.
I just found 後宮の烏 in book off in Kyoto, so looking forward to joining this (it never ceases to amaze how I can stumble across books I want in Book Off, even when I forget the author’s name and browse at random… It’s probably a good thing book off isn’t in my country!)
Now that we have German, I did a quick search since I was curious if I could find 後宮の烏 in German, but it appears no luck. Granted, we’re very unlikely to have German learners joining in like, a week, haha.
And speaking of which, does anyone have page numbers/page breaks they can check into over the next week? I won’t be participating with this book, so I have no copy.
only have the ebook and taking a quick look, the chapters are very long.
what sort of pace are you looking at? I think 本好き was doing around 10k characters per week. 後宮の烏 is ~120k characters long.
It seems there are natural breaks every 8-10k characters for the first chapter and every 10-12k for the next chapters. The last chapter could be split into 2 15k parts, if I got my maths right.