Mako's Learning Log 🦋

I see, you will catch up in no time :sunglasses:


ごきげんよう! :butterfly:

This week I focused on updating my JPDB. Because I have just started lately there are a lot known vocabularies that I need to mark as “will never forget”. Before yesterday I would have done so in my regular reviewing schedule, but yesterday I stumbled across the fact, that I can do this also when viewing the whole list. So I have sit a lot on my phone and scanning through the lists. Currently I have both decks available マリア様がみてる 28 フレームオブマインド | L29 and 鏡の孤城 | L28.

I haven’t finished going through the lists but here are the stats I currently have:

  • Marimite: Vocabulary 29,73% and coverage 71,27%
  • Kagami no Kojou: Vocabulary 19,59% and coverage 71,39%

Btw, what does the number in the brackets mean, when there is “Vocabulary 29,73% (31,15%)”?

I sometimes did not have the time to read and sometimes did not have the muse to do so this week. So in the end I rarely read, but I did read a bit in Marimite. I finished another chapter and will update my comment in the Marimite thread later. The volume I am reading has a lot of small chapters in it. One main background story that is disrupted by other (related?) short stories. I like how this volume is structured and all of the short stories are unexpectedly 楽しい to read. And I really want to talk about them, but will have to hide them behind spoiler alerts here :upside_down_face:

I created my first thread this week Stumbling in the intermediate plateau - growing together :hatching_chick: and was so happy, that so many participated right after. I was a bit nervous about opening a thread on my own, but I guess there was no reason to feel that way :heart_eyes:

ルナちゃん also has linked me at the bookclub thread starting withClass-S (and Related) Reading Club . I have voted for some. I’m not sure yet, if I can join, but I want to leave this decision open for now.

I’m quite a slow reader. Both in my native language as well as in Japanese. I lately have read with a timer set so that learnnatively could calculate my stats, but I’m not so sure whether this will help me. Though maybe I will do so in a regular but not yet determined cycle. For Marimite I got 6 pages per 25 minutes and for Kagami no Kojou it was 5 pages per 25 minutes.



It may have something to do with including blacklisted words? I’ve also wondered this. Btw if you haven’t gone through the settings yet, there are settings to auto-blacklist certain very common things, which may save you some time from doing it manually… It’s such a pain at first, but you get there eventually.

I think something went wrong, and your views didn’t go through, cuz I don’t see them showing up. As for joining - it’s informal/open-ended, so ppl can join whenever, read at their own pace, etc

I might be a very delayed/slow participant this time around, depending on what gets picked


Oh, that would make sense. Thank you! And yes, I went a bit through the settings, so that most of the particles are auto-blacklisted. That would really have been more hassle :sweat_smile:

Oh! Thank you for mentioning this. I just checked and recognized that I could vote again. Now it should show up at your end, too. Maybe there was a lack of internet before :thinking:

Ah okay, so “informal” means the same as “open-ended”? Good to know. Then I can add it to my TBR list and start it when I feel like it :smiling_face:


The number outside the brackets are your percentage of know vocabulary considering only the know vocabs.
The number inside the brackets is how much vocabulary percentage you will have if all your “Learning” vocabulary becomes “Know”.
As you get vocabs correctly, they get to a higher level, 0 to 7, when they are level 3, they become Know.
Also, you can find some cool material about JPDB in their discord, like userscripts extensions, tools to manage decks and some pre-made decks outside the official JPDB.