🕵️‍♀️ 推理小説読書会 📚 Mystery Novel Book Club 👮‍♂️ Preparing to read 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う!

Are we taking a summer break or are we continuing the club as usual? :thinking: I am happy to continue, but I know a lot of people travel during summer or have kids to keep occupied or have time consuming outdoor hobbies, etc. :smiling_face:


I’d be fine either way. A break would be nice, but if people want to continue I’m good with that as well.


I am happy to continue! Dodging the sun with a nice book suits me :sunglasses:


Since I skipped 告白 I’m ready to dive back in


On mobile so replying is a bit messier, but I posted this a bit back. No intention of a summer break for the club, but no hard feelings if some people skip the summer season due to life busy-ness. :slight_smile:


I was planning to open this my late evening (so morning for the eastern part of the world) but I’m going to be busy so opening it now.

It is time to vote!

Read Sesame Street GIF by PBS KIDS
As a reminder, :arrow_right: NOMINATIONS ARE HERE :arrow_left:

ebooks typically have previews (立ち読み) so if the book is unrated and you’re unsure, or you just want to scope out the writing style, please make use of it! Keep in mind that a good deal of books are entered at 30 by default and some of the books with only one or two ratings can have pretty unstable ratings.

As with last time, you will have 5 votes in this poll, and any books to receive no votes will go in the Nomination Graveyard :headstone: They can be renominated, but please wait at least two voting cycles before reintroducing them.

As a quick reminder, the schedule is as follows:

  • June 26th - voting opens
  • July 2nd - voting closes and winner announced
  • July 17th - first weekly thread for the chosen book is opened!

Without further ado - the vote!

  • 黒い森の記憶 | L30
  • 赤ずきん、旅の途中で死体と出会う。 | L30??
  • アンデッドガール・マーダーファルス 1 | L30??
  • ノッキンオン・ロックドドア | L32
  • 砂の家 | L30??
  • 変な家 | L28
  • 木洩れ日に泳ぐ魚 | L32
  • 白光 | L30??
  • 名探偵は嘘をつかない | L38
  • 透明人間は密室に潜む | L30??
  • 私が大好きな小説家を殺すまで | L24??
  • 時空旅行者の砂時計 | L30??
  • そして五人がいなくなる<名探偵夢水清志郎事件ノート> | L25
  • 眼球堂の殺人 ~The Book~ | L30??
  • 『クロック城』殺人事件 | L30??
  • 黒蜥蜴 | L35
  • medium 霊媒探偵城塚翡翠 | L33
  • 眠りの森 | L30??

0 voters


So far, we are really spread out this time. :eyes:



I am excited for this one! There were so many good options. I am also relieved I’m not the only one voting for my nominations :sweat_smile:


Let’s keep a close eye on the poll (and possibly screenshots). The problem that happened with the light novel poll a few days ago, with only one vote per voter being retained, is now happening on wanikani. We have no guarantee it won’t happen again.


You say this like I don’t hover this poll the entire week it’s open :joy:


For what it’s worth, i’m thinking this was a one time issue and I opened a bug on meta discourse. We’ll see what others think.

It would mean the data was completely wiped however.


As always, it’s so difficult to narrow down my choices… First I’ll go through and check all the ones I’m interested in, regardless of number, then go back to see what the damage was. I had 10 on my short list this time; it’s gonna be tough. :\

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I have exactly 5 on my TBR, so that was easy, since I promised myself I only participate in a BC if I already own the book. :rofl:


I’ve been trying to do that, but everyone keeps voting for such interesting-looking books. :< It’s all you guys’ fault. :sob: (告白 was really good; I’m glad I read that one.)


The answer mentioned that it may be possible to use backups if you have any.

Anyway, I just realized that made the “what should I read next” megathread very different :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah we will wait and see if they make a script for us first :slight_smile:

I did download the backup just in case we need it.


In WK the polls seem to be somehow restored (maybe they ran a script themselves?), but a new poll currently open was wiped completely in the process. Hopefully this won’t happen here. :sweat_smile: (I kept a screenshot of the mystery poll as it stands now just in case)


Oh no, good to know. I think WK pays for an Enterprise version where you get dedicated support, so it wouldn’t surprise me. The developer who responded to me seemed to imply they’d get back with a script.

Until then, I will wait and let WK figure out the bugs :sweat_smile:

Edit: As an aside, I’m pretty shocked it took this long for the discourse community to figure out this bug. Seems like Natively & WK are some of the most prolific multi-vote pollers around lol


It’s probably just like you said. Here is a WK mod answering to my question about restoring from backup. It seems that they just restored every poll regardless of date created and open status, which ended up in a new (but ultimately more easily fixable) mess.


Man, that seems like a pretty sad result though… there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to restore from a backup without losing votes. Regardless good to hear what happened.