Non-Fiction Book Club - Starting 日本人の心がわかる日本語 on January 12th

Welcome to the Non-Fiction Club! ✿

Participation List! Newcomers feel free to add yourselves - it’s left open :slight_smile:

Current Club Status:

Starting 日本人の心がわかる日本語 | L25 on January 12th :blush:
:house: Home Thread

The Rules
  • 5 votes per person
  • No limit to nominating
  • As of now we have no taboo subjects
  • Nominations with no votes automatically get eliminated
  • If we have 10 or more nominations the 3 least voted nominations are eliminated
  • Tied nominations will be eliminated together
  • Eliminated nominations are put on cooldown for one cycle (see cooldown list )
  • If you want to re-add a nomination after it’s cooldown is over reply to the original nomination with a message saying “re-adding this” (see list of nominations you can re-add )
Regarding Taboo Subjects

As per the decision of majority we have no taboo subjects BUT:

  1. For political/debated subjects - there will be no political debates here. whatever the subject is you ask questions or discuss what you learn or know/don’t know/generally think without expressing your opinion on said subject because regardless if you think it is just or “obvious” it can still spark a debate. I myself read books with political input and am for discussing them and all, but I don’t want to deal with debates here, my reasons for this are my own and you can disagree with me in the DMs if you think it’s unfair.
  2. If you feel uncomfortable with a subject I recommend skipping said cycle. The issue with non-fiction is that regardless of what we wish we’re probably gonna have nominations with sensitive subjects, and to some subject X will be difficult and to others subject Y will be completely out of the question. It is inevitable and I ask that you will be understanding of others that do want to read either of X or Y subjects.
To sum up the cooldown/renomination thing
is the work you want to nominate in the nomination list? yes ➾ then no worries :wink:
no ⇓
is it in the cooldown list? yes ➾ then you will need to wait for the next cycle of nominations :frowning:
no ⇓
is it in the list of works you can re-add? yes ➾ then just quote/reply to the original nomination post and add a message that goes something like “re-adding this :)”
no ⇓
did you already nominate it once? yes ➾ then please tell me, I messed something up
no ⇓
then you can create a nomination for it using the template below this :wink:
Nomination Template
Put the Natively link here.
(if the embedding worked well we should see the title, natively level and cover; 
if not please manually put the following:
Cover image (optional)
**Title**: [title | Lx(x = natively lvl)](Put the Natively link here.) )
**Subject**: History/Culture/Linguistics/Self Help/etc
If you only just added it to natively please add **Available formats**: physical / ebook / audiobook (delete as appropriate)
[details="Content warnings"]
If you know whether the book contains potentially triggering topics please include the information here.
**Reason(s) for nominating:** Share the reason you are nominating this book - it might persuade others to vote for it!

Past Cycles

1st Cycle Nominations
1st Cycle Voting

Past Polls

Voting on whether or not to start January! - Closed!

Non-Fiction Book Club List!

Anyone who nominated is added as a collaborator so feel free to add in your own comments if you want <3

Will you be joining us? :blush:
  • ァィ(。・Д・)ゞ
0 voters

Voting on Rules:

Should there be a nomination limit?
  • No
  • Yes, 3 per person
  • Yes, 5 per person
0 voters
Should there be multiple votes?
  • No
  • Yes, 3 per person
  • Yes, 5 per person
0 voters
Should some subjects be taboo?
  • No
  • Yes, we should vote on it when someone brings up a subject that bothers them
  • Yes, Politics and Historically debated subjects
  • Yes, True Crime
  • Yes, Other (please reply or DM with what it is and I’ll add it in a list for later to discuss)
0 voters

I voted no on the taboo topic, because I feel like we can just not participate/vote if it deals with topics we don’t want to engage with, however, there should be a general consensus that political discussions, etc. are not OK. That’s not what the forums are for, imo, and stuff like that can escalate quickly…


re: Nomination limit, I do think 20 total would be good to keep it all in one poll. After that it gets messy and a bit confusing.


Wanted to add it just in case in writing😉


I honestly suspect we won’t have that many nominations?
Or at least that’s my assumption when I voted no limit


I think we could probably get a whole bunch; we had some good interest in the initial exploratory poll, at least.


Mmm. I agree that it’s better to be below 20 books for a vote. But I think it’s hard to guess in advance what kind of nomination restrictions, removal rate for books that didn’t get many votes, etc, you need to get there. So I tend to favour “don’t worry too much about definiing restrictions, trust people not to go overboard, and sort them out later”.


Oh by the way, do we want to focus on a certain difficulty level (i.e. Natively range), or is anything ok? I can imagine non-fiction can vary wildly in difficulty, but what do I know :woman_shrugging:


It can yea yea
I thought for now any level will go since there isn’t a children non fiction yet


I kind of doubt Brandon will ever break it out into that category :sweat_smile: but some nonfiction I own is definitely meant for kids while others are not. That said I don’t know how easy most child’s nonfic gets for learners as the vocab is probably a lot wider than the average children’s book :thinking:


I was actually talking about BiblioCarys suggestion for a non fiction for children book club :joy:

from the nonfic for children I have I can say that it’s definitely easier than the for adult ones
Japan also has an amazing variety on the matter and there are SO MANY!

The カメの甲羅 book I have also has a Junior edition for children for example


I have about 20 odd non fiction books for children. Some are graded by 小学校 year, others are just aimed at children up to 中学校 age I think.


Also whenever nominations open I have some to add :eyes: Though I probably don’t have any children’s nonfiction to nominate at the moment, I have light ‘pop’ nonfiction.


There are some mixed forms, how about them:

like e.g. an autobiographical novel - the contents is non-fiction and you can learn interesting things about daily life in other times, but nonetheless it’s is written as a novel;

or e.g. the math girls series - the math is real stuff so non-fiction and you can also learn interesting things which is the purpose of that books, but is is presented in form of a conversation between the leads and the book has maybe a 10-15% light novelish framework story.


I likely wouldn’t vote for an autobiography in any form, but I don’t think it’s outside the limits of what is ‘nonfiction’ if it’s just a writing style choice and not mixing truth and fiction.

I read a book like that but it was about a Sexy Sempai scolding a self-insert MC into learning about databases. I would not consider those types of books to be nonfiction. If Natively would let me add it (sadly not on Amazon, but it is on Bookwalker!) I’d probably add it as a textbook.


I would not put anything off-limits for now - both topic and level-wise. Everyone can voice their opinion via votes, imo.


since people are already talking about nominations they want to put out I think I’ll just open up nominations and make a 3 limit for now (since whatever vote takes in the poll either way it’ll be a limit of 3 or more lol)

so take it as the go ahead for nominating!!


Nominations Table

# Cover Title + Nomination Post Subject
1 image 猫の浮世絵 「江戸の猫ぐらし」 | L25?? Art History, Culture
2 image 小学館世界J文学館 古事記 | L30?? Culture
3 image カメの甲羅はあばら骨 ~人体で表す動物図鑑~ | L39?? Animal Science
4 image 世界のニュースを日本人は何も知らない | L31 Politics with some history
5 image なぜ働いていると本が読めなくなるのか | L36 History, Sociology
6 image 吉田の日々赤裸々。 『ファイナルファンタジーXIV』はなぜ新生できたのか | L36 Republished magazine column stories written by a guy having to lead building a major MMO from the ground up.
7 image カラー版 忘れてしまった高校の生物を復習する本 | L28?? Life Sciences
8 image バカの壁 | L30?? Sociology, Self-help
9 image 日本語の大疑問 眠れなくなるほど面白い ことばの世界 幻冬舎新書 | L30?? Linguistics
10 image 知られざる北斎 | L36?? Art History, Japanese History, Economics
11 image 「アニメ評論家」宣言 | L36?? Anime history
12 image 台所から北京が見える ――36歳から始めた私の中国語 | L34 Memoir
13 image 売春島~「最後の桃源郷」渡鹿野島ルポ~ | L30?? Investigative journalism, history
14 image 日本人の心がわかる日本語 | L25 History, Culture, Linguistics
15 image 日本人の知らない日本語 1 なるほど~×爆笑!の日本語“再発見”コミックエッセイ | L28 Linguistics, Manga Essay
16 image 五体不満足 | L29 Memoir, Disability, Society
17 image イコ トラベリング 1948- | L28 Autobiographical novel
18 e21b0a73-cb19-4b97-8c64-592992b1a6ca フェルマーの最終定理 | L28 Mathematics, History
19 image ナオキマンのヤバい世界の秘密 | L34?? Mysterious aspects of human history
20 image そうなんだ!日本の歴史のお話 古代~室町時代編 | L22?? History