🍁 October Listening Challenge 👂

Okay, I think I will try this month. I’m feeling kind of tired of listening to audiobooks, so I’m going to try to focus my time on anime and drama CDs. :open_mouth: I’d also like to update my progress here a bit more. I didn’t really do so in September, so I’d like to start trying to do so again.

My goals:

I’m thinking I’ll try for another pure hours goal in November; I do like having something more concrete to aim for like I’ve been doing for Sep/Oct, though.

eefara’s home post

:jack_o_lantern: Oct :bat:
01 02 03 04 05 :cd: 06
07 08 09 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 :ghost: 23 :ghost: 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 :ghost: 31
  • :tv: : I watched an episode of something
  • :cd: : I listened to (part of) a drama CD
  • :ghost: : I listened to something else
  • :100: : I listened to one of my goals + something else!

(Calendar stolen from the Listen Every Day Challenge on WK.)

Listening Log
Total time: 2h 33m


My Audiobook (Only) Journey | Japanese list by eefara | Natively

https://learnnatively.com/book/2f20d58780/ - 26m

コンビニ人間 | L29 - 14m 14s

コーヒーが冷めないうちに | L27 - 35m 20s

Drama CDs

氷の魔物の物語 - 1h 17m

Numbers for calcs

1h 17m + 26m + 14m 14s + 35m 20s