It’s already Friday!
Where did this week go? It feels like I blinked and then the week blew past! Last week I had visitors staying at my place and it kind of messed up my routine and it was a little tough getting back into it. I did still manage to get some good listening time in, though. Shadowing as well, but it wasn’t as focused as it’s been in past weeks. This post is a dump of what I’ve been up to.
Total: 2 hours listening, 40 minutes shadowing
I finished たゆたえども沈まず | L30?? finally. The end got a little bit too melodramatic and toxic for me which was to be expected since Vincent van Gogh was a troubled man, but not sure. This is maybe the 3rd 原田マハ book I’ve read where I love the first 30% and then it slowly goes downhill from there. It’s done though, and will stop blocking my progress!
I started ビジネスの未来――エコノミーにヒューマニティを取り戻す | L42?? and so far it’s quite interesting! I adore the author and would have way more to write about this, but I think I’ll save it for the “What are you reading thread”. I’ve been using it to shadow and phew, it feels like I’ve upped the ante on difficulty again. The book I just finished had so much art vocabulary that I managed to adjust to, and now this one is full of economic and philosophical terms that are tripping me up here and there…but I can’t stress enough how great of a good mental workout it is and that I wish I had dabbled in shadowing earlier. A lot of the words or phrases are higher level stuff that I’ve never said out loud or heard very often in Japanese before, but belong to a higher register than I’m able to speak spontaneously and fluently. I don’t really need to be able to have conversations like that often, but having the confidence never hurts! I hope some of those structures will get pushed further into my active memory.
Total: 3:20 hours listening, 1:20 shadowing (!)
I spent a lot of time listening to Korean this week, all with the Didi의한국문화 Podcast. It’s my first time using any sort of comprehensible input for Korean, so having something I am able to understand really well at my level feels really new and kind of addicting? It’s also very comfortable to shadow with due to the speed and the pitch of voice being somewhat close to mine.
Speaking Korean feels very chesty so far (lots of air from the top of the lungs in the chest region with some power but not as much as English) and it gives my chest voice a good workout, so it’s been great for shadowing in the morning. I just dive in and go and get a nice vocal warmup to start my day. Conversely, I feel like Japanese is very head voice and my head voice is usually weak in the morning, so it takes longer for me to get into the shadowing groove if I do it in the A.M. even though I can actually speak Japanese fluently but not Korean. Kinda weird. Just gonna blame it on my vocal cords and chest vs. head voice.
Very anecdotally, I do notice that my voice has a nice and clear but slightly deeper timbre and more chesty resonance on the days I start with Korean shadowing which is kind of a cool bonus for me since I have a quieter/softer speaking voice usually. Please subscribe for more weird rambling about voices, talking, and air.
One thing I am really struggling with though is pronouncing Korean words imported directly from English, like 클럽. A lot of words like that are also the same in Japanese, so my brain just defaults to the Japanese pronunciation and I just CANNOT get the Korean versions down instead. Help.