Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

So… I finished むらさきのスカートの女 | L28 a few days ago, but it doesn’t want to let me go. Or at least, I think, owned books should move off of “owned” when the status changes to something else, right?

the purple skirt woman is everywhere. :rofl: (It’s kinda fitting for that book, though. :melting_face: )


Hi! I was doing difficulty gradings the other day, and I was being asked to compare the books I’ve just finished to books I read years ago. I realized that my Japanese has improved significantly since then, and my memory of those books has also faded quite a bit.

Since the number of gradings we can do per book is limited anyway, might it make more sense to compare to books we’ve read recently? Or at least weight responses more heavily for comparisons between books read in closer succession?

Maybe there’s a system like this already in place–I can’t say I’m fully caught up with the forums and I imagine somebody has probably raised the issue before. Anyway I love the platform so I might as well provide feedback where I can!


One existing thing that can help as well is that you can block items if you don’t want them to come up in grading comparisons (because you don’t remember them well or any other reason). It’s kind of hidden - you have to click the gear icon next to ‘I’m not sure - skip this one’, and it will open a menu that lets you block one or both items.



Please read my new blog article on Book Providers, Content Tags, Grading Updates, Data Downloads ! If you’ve been following this thread closely, not much new information, but it 's a good summary of major things the past few months :slight_smile:


“You can generate a new csv file every 48 files” :joy:

Do you have an updated roadmap since your previous one got a bit delayed?


My timeline for that was certainly a little optimistic :laughing:

I haven’t really thought about it too much, really only know the next month or two. My priority right now is to try and hit my goal of at least one major romance language and getting to premium.

  • Favorites
  • Book Providers
  • Content Tags
  • Amazon Auto-Upload process for Japanese (Nov/Early Dec)
  • 1-2 more Languages (Dec) - Spanish, German, French
  • Book Edition Handling (Late Dec)
  • Recommendations & Premium( Jan ? )
  • Community Editable Book Synopsis ( Jan ?)
  • Web Novel / Web Comic (Feb ?)
  • Rereads / Rewatch (Feb ?)
  • Book Club Support (March ?)
  • Notifications System (March ?)


  • Auto Upload / Book editions: As you’ll see i’ve added a new ‘auto upload’ branch, which I originally envisioned as a part of book editions. Essentially this will try to rejigger the upload process to be more user driven & automatic. This ticket and the book editions ticket will start to lay the framework for a ‘librarian’ volunteer role, which you see on all the other book platforms.
  • Moving up Languages & Premium: These were high priority tickets and I wanted to get them done this year.
  • Added Community Synopsis: I think book descriptions are the big missing piece in the discovery experience, so felt it was right to add.

I think at this point, is worth considering adding a field (optional) to your profile to indicate your native language.

This way is easy to identify if someone is posting/giving feedback as a native language speaker or as a fellow learner.




I’ve noticed a few series now where the Free tag is being applied to temporarily-free titles offered on some digital services; for example, both ラブひな 1 | L25 and SILVER DIAMOND 1巻 | L24?? are free on Bookwalker right now for a limited time, but someone has marked them Free on Natively. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought the purpose of the Free tag was to denote permanently free books/series?


I think it’s good to put the Free tag on books that are temporarily free, as long as it’s free to “buy” not just free to read. Then it would also make for a good search option or dedicated page for people to find free content. Or maybe it should be broken into three groups:

  1. Free forever (public domain, etc.)
  2. Free to buy right now
  3. Free to read right now

Who’s going to maintain books gaining and losing the tag based on a temporary free status, though? That sounds like a lot of work for very little gain.


Well, yeah. This is all premised on that information being available via Amazon or some other service’s API. Without that I agree it’s not very practical. I assumed that’s where this information was already coming from since it would explain how these temporarily free books get that tag, but if they don’t give the breakdown it may not be possible to do what either of us are requesting.


Hmm. I guess I assumed it was an individual person adding those tags, but if @brandon has some sort of automated setup already, that would be neat.


Yeah that code all came from the wanikani The BookWalker Freebies Thread. The thread creator gave me some code and I sent him an email on the natively level / link.

So no, no one is maintaining. Idk, I think it’s ok if it’s temporarily free to include it ? Who are we hurting by it :laughing:


So does that mean books on Natively could be labeled as free because they were free months ago?

1 Like

No, it takes off the tag as well.


I just downloaded my book data and started looking through it for fun, and noticed about 6 different books with no page numbers (including some pretty popular ones like かぐや様は告らせたい 1 ~天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~ | L30). I send feedback on each of the book pages, but once there’s an automatic Amazon checking system, it might be worth running it on existing books to update the data. Many (like the one linked above) had the page count on Amazon right now. You could also consider checking for that data from an ebook store like Bookwalker if available, since those should always have a page count.


One of my books is in my library twice and no matter what I do I can’t seem to get the duplicate out of my ‘owned’ list. Even removing the book only gets rid of one of them. No idea how or when it happened. Should I make a bug report for this @brandon ? :see_no_evil:


It seems you got into a weird state for your library search. No actual data issues, just needs a resync.

However I’m traveling for the next two weeks and my work capacity will be touch and go… especially the next few days as my nephews are a handful :laughing:

I would recommend a bug report. And just a general FYI to everyone that yes I’ll be a bit less responsive!


This is on a series page. Not sure how it has a rating with 0 ratings. :upside_down_face:
