Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Based on my experience with a different service, it’s the other way around. You need a Natively account to get a forum account, but not all Natively user will get a forum account (it is created the first time you log into the forum).
Of course, I guess the content of the forum is public, so one does not need an account to just read it.


Yes @Naphthalene is correct. It depends on how you set up discourse (our forum software), but the way we have it configured requires a Natively account. That’s not to say they’re an active Natively user (I use the WaniKani discourse forums without really using my WaniKani account), but everyone has an account.

Yeah a notifications system would be really nice ugh. It’s on the list and may be more pressing with more bloggers onboarded… we’ll see.

It would be nice for messaging on the main site, but for the foreseeable future I think it’ll stay on here. Honestly, discourse has all the utilities needed for dm messaging, so it makes sense to utilize… and if someone hasn’t joined the forums they probably don’t want a DM anyway :slight_smile:

Eventually though… maybe. The future is uncertain…


lol, aye aye captain! I will patiently await it. You have so many things at the front of your list right now, just from what I’ve seen in this chat alone. :pray: I hope someone is able to be helpful I cannot offer my services because I cannot code lmao

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I have no idea if this has been suggested before, but it would be great if I could write a personal non-public note to any book - especially on ones in my wish list! You know, stuff like where I found it, why I want to read it, if there’s an audio book version I might want to listen to instead once the time comes, and so on.


you’re like the third person in the last 2 weeks! When that happens, it really implies I should implement it soon! Thanks for sending that in :slight_smile:


Yes this is a very small proportion of books (only 158, less than 0.6% of the database), which is why I haven’t been really concerned.

It’s also not like you’ll accidentally buy one. If you’re going to buy a book, you look at the summaries and reviews… pretty clear by that time :joy:

But yes, they just aren’t that popular on the site right now, so only people looking for them are finding them. I will eventually add a filter, but not too worried about it as yet.


I can only read so fast, I promise I’m working on it.


In that case, can we have a separate toggle for different categories of 18+ content, like Bookwalker does? (They have TL, BL, and “adult”)
I don’t want to Someone should not have to scroll through a bunch of “adult” books if I am they are looking for a BL recommendation. They would not die from it, presumably, but it would be a nice quality of life thing. (Conversely, I’m going to assume that most people looking for the “adult” type might not be interested in books about hot dudes kissing?)
If one toggle is implemented, maybe it won’t be too hard to make it 3 (or N, if you want some extra categories).

Typing this, I feel like it’s a very strange thing to ask for…


Seems like a good case for being able to search by both tags (“BL”) and filters (“adult”).


Yes I think BL, TL would just be tags, adult would be a filter (off by default)


I don’t know if this has been brought up before but would it be possible to add a “percentage” option for reading activity update? I mostly read my books on kindle and not all of them have a page number so whenever I finish my session and wanted to update I have to guess by calculating the percentage x total pages.


This already exists, though it’s a bit hard to find (the tiny arrows could be replaced with a more obvious marker) - when you go to update your progress, you can click on ‘page’ and change it to ‘percent’.


Oh yeah I didn’t realize that arrow exists lol, thanks!

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A small quality of life suggestion: currently when you update page count, it always defaults back to “Current page” so when you’re reading digitally you have to manually change it back to “Current percent” each time you update. Could it remember that I’m tracking by percentage for that book so I don’t have to change it every time?


Right, I think I might add this when I add private notes, so soon. I agree, it’s kinda silly right now :slight_smile:

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@here You now have a ‘user preferences’ section in your account settings!

By default, I have the settings you see there. This is slightly different than how we’ve been operating the last week… I was NOT overriding your forum bio or background image with data from the main site. So if you already have different background image / bio in the forums separate from the main Natively site, be sure to update these preferences immediately.

Warning! If you have a forum background image or forum description different from the main site, please copy your forum background image & description to your computer before altering, just in case you accidentally trigger an update.

@seanblue, I know that you want the exact inverse of my preferences you see in the image, so I’ve gone ahead and specified false, false, true for you. I wasn’t sure on anyone else’s, so be sure to update!

Hope that all makes sense and this will be a nice spot to place more random preferences as we think of them :slight_smile:


This link on the bottom of that form does nothing (Firefox).

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Ha, thanks. Now I just need to decide what to keep on my forum profile. As soon as you add a real favorites list I’m probably going to clear out my Natively profile anyway, so maybe I should just clear out my forum profile now. Though I guess it depends on whether you add a rich way of displaying the Natively favorites on the forums. If it looks really nice I’ll keep them, but it looks so bad in the user card right now.

By the way, why no setting for syncing profile picture? I’m fine with those syncing personally, but still curious.


I thought the profile picture was too much an identifier (and looks good on the forums).

I know intuitively it’d make sense to have an option but that’s the thinking


Okay, bless you for adding the option for me to now let links open in a new tab :pray: