Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Wow, this sounds like a lot of fun! I’m looking forward to them! Another question - by likeable/taggable, do you mean we’ll be able to mark them somehow so we can easily find them again? Like, if nikoru creates a neat collection, I can mark it somehow so it’s a click away to find from my own profile?


Yes. It’ll just be the heart icon, just like you see here on discourse :slight_smile:

And then you’ll be able to see your saved collections on your profile under ‘collections’.

I’m doing that currently for reviews.


Oooh, can’t wait!


Not writing a product request yet, since I’m not 100% sure of the usefulness of the idea: would it be helpful to anyone else if they could follow another user, but only on a certain language profile? Like, if you follow user X’s JP profile, you’d only see book/movie updates when they update their JP profile, not when they update their KR profile.

I dunno, I was just thinking it could be nice if you only want to see what someone’s reading/watching if you know they’re already at a certain level. Like, maybe I know that user X is a fairly high-level JP learner, and I’m interested in what they’re up to, but they’re a relatively new KR learner, and I’m not as interested in seeing their updates since I’m an advanced KR learner and not as interested in the graded readers/children’s books/whatever they’re consuming. (Just as an example.)

It feels a bit weird to pigeonhole users this way (“oh, I only like seeing xxx’s updates if they’re reading stuff in German”), but the follow system is so bare-bones as-is that maybe it wouldn’t matter?

Alternatively, maybe it would be a better idea to have a level filter on the Activity Feed? “I only want to see updates on books from levels 20-25 and movies from levels 10-15”, for example. You could use it to get inspiration for more stuff to read at your current level.


I’m almost positive I have a product request somewhere asking for levels to be displayed on the activity feed, although not in a filterable way.


I can see why someone would want that, not only due to the potential differences in levels like you mentioned, but also because the type of content people consume may differ from language to language: imagine following someone because you share their love of reading German philosophy only to discover their Japanese feed is nothing but magical boy BL manga… :rofl: (Not that you can’t love both!)

On the other hand, I want to see what everyone’s reading in all their languages. :eyes:

I think this would be a worthwhile addition to filter out content that isn’t suitable for your current level, especially in the global feed. :+1:


That was another potential reason in my mind as well. Some people get into languages for specific things, and/or maybe the stuff they’re normally into (magical boy BL manga) isn’t as much of a thing, so they pivot to another interest (Nietzsche).


I’m glad to see this new feature! I think I’ve run into a bug, however - for video, it doesn’t seem to be finding movies, only TV shows, and if I set it to ‘recently reviewed’ + ‘movies’, the first result doesn’t have any reviews.


Ah, nice catch. Yeah I should auto filter out books without reviews too. I’m assuming the filters you had on removed all the items with reviews. Will fix today.

Small Product Update:

  • You can now save reviews! Just click the heart icon on any review and you can later view those on your profile’s ‘review’ page with the ‘saved reviews’ toggle clicked. It’s also another way to show appreciation to all of our hardworking reviewers! :slight_smile:

  • there’s now a twitter follow icon at the page footer. I’ll be tweeting more regularly now, give me a follow at @learnnatively

  • On Twitter, I will begin highlighting certain reviews i think are awesome. For anyone who has their profile listed as ‘public’, I’ll assume that’s ok. If you’re listed as ‘Semi-Private’ or ‘Private’ I’ll get your approval before promoting. If you want to preemptively tell me yes or no, go ahead and DM me! :slight_smile:

  • i may have fixed some intermittent issues with discord / discourse one-boxing and pulling in images and whatnot. We’ll see.

  • @Mizuki This should now be fixed.

And now full-steam ahead on collections.


Unfortunately, I’m still seeing this. No movies come up when I order by ‘recently reviewed’ in Videos with no filters on, and now if I do filter to just movies, it says there are no results.

1 Like

Oh wow, very nice catch, thank you. It’s fixed now! I just forgot to back populate movies… did everything else.


I find this a bit confusing. It almost sounds like simultaneously a like feature and a bookmark feature. Just because I like someone’s review doesn’t mean I want to bookmark it.


I don’t know about that policy. Can you add a new preference for that or something? I have my profile public, but I’m not sure I want my content highlighted outside of Natively.


Seconding the request for a a preference for this, as I’m also on the fence. No idea if any of my reviews would even be of interest, but I have a few that I’d prefer a check in for. It doesn’t necessarily make sense to adjust profile privacy just for that


You know, that makes sense. I’ll changed the language to ‘liked’ reviews rather than ‘saved’ reviews. Would that make more sense? Or would you prefer to relegate ‘likes’ to the activity page?

For reference, discourse also remembers everything you liked which you can view.

Good to know. Ok, I’ll get approval to start off with. If I find almost everyone is ok with it, then perhaps we can revisit at a later date.


That seems like the way to go to me

And thx, re: review sharing


I’m not sure I’d have much use for it, but I don’t have an issue with it. Seems reasonable to me.


Someone might have said so already, but I was checking your posts on twitter, and the banner for Natively says “The book reading community for Japanese & Korean language learners”. It seems a bit odd on a post about learning German :joy:


Is it intentional that I can like my own reviews? Seems a bit strange to do so, but maybe there’s a point I’m missing.

Are review likes anonymous?


Ugh, I know haha. I guess I hadn’t updated the meta information on the website and so it pulled it. Apparently it caches for a week so I just said whatever. Future posts that will be fixed though :sweat_smile:

I could make it disabled. I didn’t because that weird behavior is also on discourse… but then again, there’s no reason not to disable it.

Right now they are, but maybe they shouldn’t be? What do we think?