Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

I’m hoping this is the push I’m going to need to start watching more TV and movies and stuff. If I’ve got a handy place to track it, then even if I don’t understand much I get that satisfaction of a nice checkmark for everyone to see. :3


Unfortunately no. The only thing you can do is bookmark the url. It seems like it could be a good idea though… maybe a product request? :slight_smile:

Well, thank you, I love to hear that haha. But i’m very much a simple mortal, I assure you. :joy: :joy:

And 16k graded books yes, but over 36k books on the site, 3700 series!

I agree! I can’t wait until we get to Korean audiovisual for me :sweat_smile:


@brandon I don’t know what you changed, but that white flash on mobile is finally gone. :crossed_fingers: it stays gone!


I did update it recently, so maybe that?? Regardless, great news! :smile:


You can’t seem to set the ‘time’ for a reading session directly from the edit menu of a book’s page; it seems to only be available when updating from the dashboard? You also can’t swap to percentages.

(At least I couldn’t figure out how to do it from here)

As a side note, there’s some messery when you log as percentage completed and come back to it… seems to translate it to the equivalent page (not desired behaviour), and then when you swap to percentage again, it thinks your pagecount is your percentage (also not desired behaviour)… thankfully the actual percentage is still in the background, so you can just set it to that manually, but it’s a bit weird…


The percentage covnersion has already an open ticket:

As for the time, since is per session is not something you can edit on that page. You have to go to the specific session itself.

My suspicion is that being able to update the total time on the Edit page is incompatible with how the current data is stored and also because it would break the graphs.

This graph would for example be impossible to generate if I just went ahead and edited the total time


Ah, I don’t really want to edit the total time, I just want to be able to get at the per-session from that page - the workflow is a bit off there.

Also this is pure ego but would be cool if I could see which books/series I’ve contributed somewhere. I see my profile knows I’ve contributed 12 books but even I’ve forgotten which ones lol


Thanks for noting all that @Jintor !

Yeah, I know about the percentage issue… it’s somewhat awkward anyway you do it (normally you don’t want input values changing on the user). The biggest solution would be just to allow you to mark if you’re using percentages or pages on a particular book. Then you wouldn’t have to be flipping back and forth so much!

Also, I know, the book page edit popup needs a way to be able to flip to the progress updater, agreed. So you can mark time. As for your book contributions, you’re right I have the data, just need to surface! Perhaps you can open a request for that :slight_smile:



Still on target? :slight_smile:


The pressure is on.


i’m feeling the heat :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

We will see if it drops today or tomorrow.


Thanks - better to open seperate requests for each issue (new thread for each)?

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That sounds right to me! :slight_smile:

FWIW, i’m feverishly trying to get it done EOD :joy:

And while I am feeling the heat, it’s mostly myself wanting to get this out!


What timezone EOD? :rofl:

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Seoul Time, but it may end up being American time. So close :man_facepalming:

I definitely can’t leave this another weekend, I’m sick of it.


If you take the Samoa Islands Timezone, you have some 20 extra hours.



Take your time! I was just teasing anyway. Rushing leads to mistakes, and no one wants that.


Oh I know, I won’t push it if it’s not ready. :slight_smile:

But with these big projects they can linger at the end a bit… a little push can actually be helpful.


Still working, will try to release today or tomorrow, but may be Monday. So close :slight_smile: