Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

Apologies on the 20 min outage… just released an update and forgot to do one step on the production servers. Of course ignored the alerts too :joy:

[09:20] Do you want to start the server? [Y/N]  _
[09:34] Hello, anyone there? [Y/N] _
[09:40] Are you aware that the server is still not on? [Y/N] _



Just a note - I’ve spent today configuring a hidden way for me to start uploading and tracking Korean content / progress for my own personal use. You may see a few blips over the next few hours in search & library results as i will be tweaking search. Everything will be back to normal by tomorrow morning.

I’ve been more inspired on immersing in Korean content the past few weeks than working on the site - I’ve been dragging my feet on the final video features (fixing stats, finalizing grading). I’m hoping this will inspire me to quickly fix the stats… i’ve been really wanting to get back to using Natively myself! I’m super excited about it xD

This won’t be much of a detour. You won’t see any changes yet… Have to finish up video before moving onto publicly opening up Korean :slight_smile:


Oooh, very exciting. ^o^ I don’t blame you for wanting to use your own site, brandon; if you’re into media tracking, Natively is a very fun site to play around with. :3 If anyone asks, you’re doing alpha testing on the Korean features. :wink:


An update on search: Ok, libraries and video are completely done. Popular books are done, now filling out the rest of them… will take 2 hours more.

Had more issues with book search than anticipated… but we’re past those now :slight_smile:


Ooh exciting! I’m happy that you’ll be getting back to using your own site again soon :tada:

I’m not learning Korean, but I’m constantly thinking about learning at least a little since hangul is really easy to learn. And I swear grading on Natively is half of my motivation for reading in Japanese :joy: So when the Korean update is released publicly I’m totally expecting to get sidetracked and try a bunch of Korean graded readers lmao

Totally forgot to respond to this :person_facepalming: It took me a bit to find the product request, turns out I already voted for it and completely forgot about it! Glad I checked here first before posting a new request. Here it is for anyone else looking for it:


I’ve noticed here and there some weirdness happening displaying different numbers.
Not sure if it’s aggressive caching or data being wonky.

For example:

Page count missmatch.


Episode watched missmatch:


Does this warrant opening a request or does it have some sort of explanation or easy fix?


I would recommend a bug request yes. Thanks! :slight_smile:


I went ahead and opened one, but I feel like it might be related to another open one:


I could have voted twice for it, if you had done it :wink:


Part of the original rational behind adding the Book Club subforum was to help keep down the book club traffic, but I noticed it didn’t really seem to achieve that. Is there a way to be able to categorize threads as just Book Club and not Reading? Same for Product Requests, now that I think about it.


You can filter by those.

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Ah, and then you can filter by “None” to see just Reading… :thinking: Dunno how I missed that!

Is there a CSV export function anywhere? I want to play with some chart creation stuff to see if there’s more useful charts (for me anyway) that could be generated with the data.

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Not that I know of, though @brandon’s provided data himself before.

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Unfortunately i haven’t built an export function yet, but it is in the plans (it’s your data). I’m happy to provide you with the data if you’d like, just shoot me an email :slight_smile:


If you want to drop a vote on the PR, it will also notify you when it’s completed.


Okay, someone tell me if I’m crazy: I’m not able to open up the update book pop-up, whether on the dashboard, library, or book page.


Just tested and it’s not working for me on PC, but it did work a couple of hours ago!


The last person on my update feed who updated their pages was about two hours ago, which tracks. Tagging @brandon, though he may be asleep by this point.