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Windows 10 and Chrome. If I use Firefox it works fine, and Chrome on mobile works as well.

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I’m having this exact issue too, though browser/OS are slightly different for me (Brave, Windows 11).


Ok. I’ll bring you two into a DM then and we can try to figure it out.

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I’ve noticed this as well. I thought it was aggressive geoblocking or something. I was intending to test with a VPN at some point.

It mostly seemed to be non popular or ecchi stuff that was failing for me, but not having a correct error message really pisses me off


Small Product Update

A fun little Friday treat for all the desktop users - we now have hover-overs!

Since we have blurbs and genres now, it makes a lot of sense to have these :slight_smile:

They are available most places (browse popular, search, profiles… etc), but there are a few more spots I need to add it to:

  • activity feed [Finished]
  • gradings [Finished]
  • personal libraries [Finished]

This is sadly only available for desktop, but I think it makes browse a lot better! It also opens up the possibility of reducing the amount of text info on desktop browse and just have big images with the hover over containing more info… we’ll see… :thinking:

Edit: Finished up all the additional items, should be complete :smiling_face:


When reviews and gradings are on the same line in your profile (at least on mobile), they get smushed together. I don’t remember there not being a space before, but I did start adding and watching videos pretty recently, so I don’t know if the additional displayed data affected it or if this happened after that.

If I zoom out so those two aren’t on the same line anymore, everything displays properly.


Is this » thing intentional? Only appears on series but we already know they are series given the word “SERIES”. :joy:


I’m actually finding this to be kind of intrusive. I think it’s probably because of the summaries, but it just takes up so much space on the screen. Like “oops I moved my mouse and now I can’t see other entries in my list!”


I really like this! Being able to know more about what people are reading in my activity feed will make it so I actually pay attention to the activity feed! (rn I just use it to see recent reviews)

I’m noticing the Japanese descriptions take up a lot more space than English descriptions. Probably because Japanese uses full-width characters? (I assume the cutoff is based on character count). E.g., 10 lines vs 5 lines:

I wonder if it would be a good idea to set the Japanese blurbs’ cut-off to half of what it is right now so it doesn’t take up as much space? I like having the summaries, but it could help with it taking up a lot of space on the screen


Dashboard is broken for me since this morning. I keep getting the “server issues” pg on both mobile and desktop.

Also my profile pg, but not the sub-pages (ie doesn’t work, but 暁のルナ's books | Natively does). It’s only the Overview tab where there’s an issue


Is it possible to set cut-offs at number of lines rather than number of characters? That would also mean we wouldn’t have stuff cutting off in the middle of lines, either, which looks really weird, at least to me.


Love the new hover!! I do get what @seanblue is saying. It felt a bit disruptive the first time or two. It might make sense to have some sort of max-width/height.

One thing I think would be cool is if we could mouse into it (basically I’d love to be able to use Yomichan on it)… But that would just be icing on the cake.

I don’t think this would be a good idea. The nice thing about the new hover is that it takes less steps/screens to discover relevant information. The nice thing about Browse is you can see a lot of relevant info at a glance. Moving that info behind a hover decreases the utility by obscuring relevant info. So everything becomes way more hit or miss.

Also not all thumbnails are informative, and you can’t use a tool like Yomichan on them. So at least for me, this would make the page way less useful.


Interesting, certainly a bug :confused:

It’s actually a small link which allows you to go to your series page, which is something you asked for I believe :sweat_smile:. Wasn’t entirely sure of the best UI

There are two things I can do. I can add a max height like you and others are mentioning. I can also add a slight delay, so that you have to hover a moment to get the hover over.

TBH, on your image there doesn’t seem to have a super long piece of text, but I can shrink the height a little… not sure it’d solve your issues though? Isn’t the disruption more the actually popping rather than the size?

Another potential solution is to not have the hover over for your own personal profile swimlanes like you see there. Not sure how many spots it makes sense to hide it, but something we could certainly do.

Oh no! Will fix shortly.

I think that’d make it more disruptive unfortunately, so probably won’t do it.

TBF, we will get translations on everything, so this is only a temporary issue.


Should I make a report for it?


Nah, i’ll take care of it today :slight_smile:


I am having the same problem.


For me it’s only the “videos” tab that has the issue. I checked several people’s accounts to see how wide spread that problem was. The only only places I found the issue is on 暁のルナ’s “overview” and “videos” pages and my “videos” page.

Also, if I try to navigate directly to 暁のルナ’s “overview” page, then the page doesn’t load at all and I get the following error:

But if I try to do so from another page on their account (“videos”, “books”, etc.), then the page loads, but none of the content does:


Overall it’s a very strange issue.


I tried clicking it, but apparently the clickable area is so small I just missed it several times. :sweat_smile: Maybe an icon would be big enough to make it work better?

Making them smaller would help, and maybe the delay would help too. I’m not sure though. I just find it jarring when moving my mouse just to scroll or navigate causes things to happen.

I am 100% for a slight delay. At the moment, if you move your mouse even slightly slowly across the page then you get a ton of them popping up one after the other. It’s a bit jarring honestly. A small delay (say having to stop your mouse for 1/2 second - 1 second on the image) would make it feel so much better.

With that said, it’s already a great feature to have and will be very helpful. I won’t have to click through to a series to see what it’s about anymore. :+1:


I think it should be fixed now! Let me know if it’s not


It is fixed for me, thanks.

Out of curiosity, what caused the issue? I find it odd that it was specific to so few users and different pages per user.