Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

@brandon Can we get a counter of number of “sessions” on the stats?

It would be nice to see it a glance instead of having to count lines.


I didn’t even know that there was a section where we could see the stats per book that we read. I can’t figure out where to locate reading speed on my profile :face_with_monocle:


I told @brandon that it’s not immediately obvious that you can do that in the site. Is a nice feature, but most people don’t know where to find it or that it even exists, or what it produces by disclosing/tracking that data.

Right now, the only way to time your reading is from the front page, on the currently reading:


You can also edit the sessions manually, and by clicking reading time you can fill the missing data:

It’s a nice feature, it gives you insight on how fast/slow you are going, and if you are getting better (speed wise).

Aside from the per-book information, it also gives you some extra graphs on your stats page:


ohh, so the original photo you sent with the lines on it is for the individual stats of whatever book I time myself reading?

I just saw this part lol. But, when I’m recommending books from Natively in my server, I do actually use that descriptor along with the Natively grade. So since I know that purple is 20-26, I’ll generally say 24-26 is N3 “intermediate-upper intermediate” since everyone’s reading level is different even if we’re all in the same JLPT bracket.

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Yes, you get stats per book if you put the session times.

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discourse, you’ve scammed me! ive read everything in this thread and i have no badge!! shakes fist


Badges can take a couple hours to manifest. It took a while for me to get some of them :person_shrugging:


Sure :slight_smile:

yeah i know it’s not the most obvious. I’m going to be implementing an FAQ pages finally and I can sell it a bit more there (perhaps with a link next to the ‘add time’ widget on the update book progress popup).


Oooh, I’ll make sure to mention that! Rn, I have some posts that explain the concept of Natively that are floating around, but I do need to make a post saying that you’ve added a forum. I think I’ll wait until the FAQ is up because then more questions may be answered for them.


Getting back to this, I just graded a book that’s between 25 and 30, and all books I got pit against it were level 28 or 29. Well, unsurprisingly I mostly said “similar difficulty”.


Ignore the peanut gallery - you’re doing it right! :smile:

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It might be because I’m not a native English speaker, but that expression sounds kinda negative :sweat_smile: It wasn’t my intention to sound like I am complaining.
But thanks for the confidence boost!

You’re not a native english speaker??!? Goodness #lifegoals

I assume you’re talking about my use of ‘peanut gallery’ - yes it’s a slight poke @seanblue :joy: but ‘peanut gallery’ is a pretty juvenile term, so it’s not a lot of judgement, just a poke.

Wasn’t implying you were complaining, just backing you.


lol, nah, it just hates me. I’m not even sure what message it’s saying that I haven’t read because I lurk in here anyways to see the interesting discussions on what might change on the website :joy: :joy:


As a minor aside, I’ve been trying to help people move their bookmeters over and found out that ISBNs can be pretty wacky causing a lot of splits on BookMeter. For instance, these two Yotsubato #1 editions are separate entries on BookMeter:

Edition 1 (4048690663)
Edition 2 (4840224668)

They’re the exact same format, publish date… everything. Except it looks like there was a joint publication / merger which lead to two separate ISBNs and thus two separate entries on BookMeter. Of course, the person I’m trying to help had the other edition from the one I have in my database :joy:

Books are great, but book publishing… lahhwwd help me :exploding_head:


I hate when the ISBNs do that :sob:. The same thing happens to me sometimes when I want to order from Kinokuniya, so I sometimes just email them instead to confirm whether they actually have the book.

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Would it be possible to collapse series in the “favorite books” section on our profile pages? Or perhaps to let us manually select those books? Right now, every book with a five-star rating is showing up. If I give multiple volumes of my favorite manga five stars, that “favorites” line is going to turn into a solid wall of books from a single series. It would be nice to be able see a variety of titles in that section. (Right now I’m not adding five-star ratings to anything after volume 1 because of this)


I think the levels might be too detailed. The algorithm is trying to pinpoint whether something is 28 or 29 when in reality it’s probably between 25 and 35 depending on the strengths of the reader.

I am a solid N3 when I do tests. I would not pass N2 without some targeted studying. Yet, I seem to have a much easier time reading books than some of the people who passed N2 or N1. I found また同じ夢を見ていた to be extremely easy but I would not be able to pinpoint why. I assume that my passive grammar knowledge is much higher than the active one. So, while I cannot accurately choose the correct grammar in a multiple choice, I seem to understand it when I encounter it.

I would not be able to to say “oh, this book uses a grammar construction or 5 kanji that you only encounter in N1, so it’s N1” :see_no_evil:
Gradings will always be subjective. Someone who has watched a lot of fantasy anime/read a lot of fantasy manga, will have an easier time with books in the fantasy genre, for example.
But I try to keep in mind things like “This uses older language” = more difficult; “This uses a lot of special terminology and long sentences” = more difficult;

I am unsure how to make my gradings better, but I hope the average of the crowd will be sufficient. :thinking:


I really just need to have that section look for a custom list called ‘favorites’ and just have a ‘favorites’ custom list for everyone which you can add to. It’d be easy, ugh should just do it!

(I could build additional favorites functionality, but at the very least what I’d laid out would be easy to implement)

I think a 10 lvl range is a bit too large… I think it’s probably more like 4-5 levels up through level 35. The upper level books (35 - 50) i’m less sure how big the swings there.

One way we could easily give insight into this is a historical grading movement chart and I do log grading movements. Then you could easily see the maximum / minimum ratings a book has been, which would give insight into different opinions on grading, albeit a slightly vague one.

For instance, また同じ夢を見ていた fluctuates between lvl 23 - 25/26 (I believe). Since Elo is relatively skewed by the last 3 or 4 graders, if you get 3 people who think また同じ夢を見ていた is easier in a row, that would probably indicate the bottom of the range.

Would be cool to show that info… too much to do!