Product Updates & Casual Natively Discussion

oh whoops :joy:

Yes, you aren’t supposed to see that, granted I don’t think any of those buttons work for you, except maybe the hash.

Good catch!

Edit: @Biblio that should be gone now.


Thankfully didn’t see the big red self-destruct button on the bottom of the page



nope. cleared my cache and all, but still there. :see_no_evil: And yes, I can’t really do anything with the buttons (though replace opens a form, but it doesn’t let me save ;)).


Maybe it’s a server-side session cache? Did you try logging out and logging in again?

1 Like

I have now, and still there. :rofl:
Guess the only way to fix it, is to give me admin powers. :smirk:

I Have The Power GIF - He Man I Have The Power Sword GIFs

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The system is fighting back! It wants @Biblio ! What have I done :flushed:

… i have now figured it out and tested though. Should be released in 2 mins.

That’s what I get for not checking my work.


You have been forcefully selected as voluntary data admin

Do not resist



First the tags then the data and then… the world. :fire:


I know you’re busy with tags right now, so I just wanted to ask. When I went to add tags to these books I remembered there’s no review and tried to write a new one, but of course the details aren’t fresh in my mind any more. Should I try and write a new review as best I can, or is there still hope of resurrecting the original ones at some point?


Apology on that - I meant to get to it, but yes kept getting distracted by tags.

I was able to find both of them and updated the written part! Let me know if there are still issues :slight_smile:


Last time I changed my icon (not long before Halloween; I’d meant to change it for October but forgot), it took a bit to fully update, but only like a minute. This time, it’s been a few days and it’s still showing me with the same icon everywhere except my profile itself and the forums

a couple screenshots

These are both from my phone, but they’re showing the same on my laptop too.

I’m trying to remember what I did differently last time, but I don’t think there was anything? Both times were on my phone. Last time, it was still showing my previous one when I navigated to the dash, but when I went back to my profile, it had completely updated. No dice this time, and I even tried re-uploading it, once on mobile again yesterday and once on desktop this morning. Does the site not like when you try to change your icon more than once within a certain timeframe…?


Huh, thanks for the note! Yes, you were in a bad state. Namely, the database updated, but the cache that we use for various display things didn’t update. Perhaps there’s a bug there.

In any case, I’ve triggered a cache update for you and now it’s working correctly.


Thank you so much! No way could I remember to rewrite all of that :sweat_smile:


I might be going blind, but is there a no furigana/partial furigana/full furigana icon or button somewhere on each book page? I swear there was…


No there is not unfortunately, you have to edit a ‘where to find url’ to mark furigana.



You will notice the series pages for books, movies & tv series has been updated! Namely, they look a lot like the book / movie / tv season pages now…

They look so similar in fact, you may accidentally confuse them at some points. Let me know if that’s an issue.

But I think they’re way more informative now. I’ll work on getting reviews & gradings onto those pages as well. The reason I did this now is that I need to incorporate tags on those series pages and the best way was a simple overhaul :slight_smile:

Next up: Incorporating tags into Movie & TV!

Sample: よつばと! (series) | L18


So… I finished むらさきのスカートの女 | L28 a few days ago, but it doesn’t want to let me go. Or at least, I think, owned books should move off of “owned” when the status changes to something else, right?

the purple skirt woman is everywhere. :rofl: (It’s kinda fitting for that book, though. :melting_face: )


Hi! I was doing difficulty gradings the other day, and I was being asked to compare the books I’ve just finished to books I read years ago. I realized that my Japanese has improved significantly since then, and my memory of those books has also faded quite a bit.

Since the number of gradings we can do per book is limited anyway, might it make more sense to compare to books we’ve read recently? Or at least weight responses more heavily for comparisons between books read in closer succession?

Maybe there’s a system like this already in place–I can’t say I’m fully caught up with the forums and I imagine somebody has probably raised the issue before. Anyway I love the platform so I might as well provide feedback where I can!


One existing thing that can help as well is that you can block items if you don’t want them to come up in grading comparisons (because you don’t remember them well or any other reason). It’s kind of hidden - you have to click the gear icon next to ‘I’m not sure - skip this one’, and it will open a menu that lets you block one or both items.



Please read my new blog article on Book Providers, Content Tags, Grading Updates, Data Downloads ! If you’ve been following this thread closely, not much new information, but it 's a good summary of major things the past few months :slight_smile: