Spanish fiction bookclub! | Reading: Nos Llamaron Enemigo

Whether or not I join might depend on the book, as I still have hopes of finishing Bestias, though I’ll be busy for at least a bit longer, so I don’t know what my Spanish reading is going to look like for the near future…

But I guess count me in as tentatively interested!


Ah, I’d be happy to let you take care of things from now on, to not have that additional drain of energy. Thank you!

I might actually join this one depending on when we start, I’ll try anyways

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Okay, I think we’ve basically got everyone’s votes. We’ll start our next book on Feb 10, and I’ll post the poll for the next book on January 20!


Just barely making it~ I’m going to open it up to voting for as many as you’d like, given our small group, and see how that works. No set close date; I’ll wait until we’ve got everyone’s votes and and then some, and see where we sit.

Please note we will likely be starting our next book on Feb 10.

What would you like to read next?
  • Sin noticias de Gurb
  • Copo de Algodón
  • Marina
  • Lobizona
  • Alguien para ti
  • El principe Caspian
  • El juego de Westing
  • Nos llamaron enemigo
0 voters

@fallynleaf will you be voting in the next book poll? I’m assuming @Belerith won’t be, since they have a big trip coming up, but by all means vote if interested!


Thanks for the reminder! I didn’t get notified for the thread and missed the poll.

I cast a vote for Nos llamaron enemigo and immediately made things more complicated because now there’s a tie :joy_cat:. If the tie doesn’t get resolved, feel free to pick Copo de Algodón, though! I think a graphic novel like Nos llamaron enemigo is probably all I have the time/energy for at the moment, but since that’s just a me problem, I’ll leave the final choice up to the rest of you.


Both the books with three votes are quite short. Copo is 134 pages and Enemigo is 208 (graphic novel pages). We could always read both one after the other.


That’s what I’m kind of thinking. If @Belerith can’t/doesn’t want to try to squeeze in a particular one before their trip, we can go with whatever @fallynleaf wants; if they want to read the GN first because they’ve got time, great, and if they’d rather wait a bit we can read Algodón.


I’ll go ahead and call it and ask @fallynleaf which they would prefer we start first.


I think if folks are down for it, I’d like to start with Nos llamaron enemigo! I actually literally just had a conversation about it yesterday with some friends because we were talking about the similarities between the conditions in the U.S. that led to Japanese internment, and the current environment in the U.S. with extreme anti-immigrant sentiment, so I feel like that book is particularly timely right now.

I think I’m going to actually try to get a print copy this time since there’s no real easy look-up advantage with a digital copy of a graphic novel, but I should have plenty of time to order it and get it in time for the club!


Sounds good! If no one has any objections, I’ll set up a home thread!


Ohh, I’m realizing I hadn’t even checked the blurb of Nos llamaron enemigos, idk why but I’d assumed it was pure romance. So I’m definitely down to read this


I could totally see that as the title of a romance book, no other context, haha.


Home thread is up!


That’s funny! Maybe our next pick can be “Nos Llamaron Mentirosas”!


Whoops! yeah I can change this if we want. @eefara should I change to Home Thread for Nos Llamaron Enemigo | Starting Feb 10 ?


Ah, set it to this thread if you will; that way it’s still advertising the book club, but we won’t need to change the Featured link every 3-4 months.


Nah, I think it’s confusing for new users… i’ll just point it to the book club, will go out with next code release. Just throw me an @ when the new book comes along! :slight_smile:


Sounds good!

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