I promise I’ll stop with the nominations after this (erm, for a while at least). I wasn’t planning to nominate anything else, but this is a totally different genre to the previous ones, and it’s good to have wider representation, right?
Book: ドミノ | L30?? (learnnatively.com)
Genre: comedy
Length: 384
Is there an ebook available?: yes
Summary - Japanese
一億円の契約書を待つ、締切直前のオフィス。オーディション中、下剤を盛られた子役の少女。推理力を競い合う大学生。別れを画策する青年実業家。待ち合わせ場所に行き着けない老人。老人の句会仲間の警察OBたち。真夏の東京駅、二七人と一匹の登場人物はそれぞれに、何かが起こる瞬間を待っていた。迫りくるタイムリミット、もつれ合う人々、見知らぬ者同士がすれ違うその一瞬、運命のドミノが次々と倒れてゆく! 抱腹絶倒、スピード感溢れるパニックコメディの大傑作!
Summary - English
An office awaits a contract worth 100 million yen, just before the deadline. A child actor is dosed with laxatives during an audition. A university student competing in a guessing game. A young businessman planning a break-up. An old man who can’t get to the meeting place. The old man’s haiku club mates, who are all police alumni. At Tokyo Station in mid-summer, each of the twenty-seven characters and one animal is waiting for the moment when something will happen. The time limit is approaching, people are entangled, strangers pass each other, and at that moment, the dominoes of destiny fall one after another! A masterpiece of a panic comedy, full of gusto and speed!
(deepL translation)
Content warnings if known
None that I know of
Why are you nominating this book: It’s a (slapstick?) comedy with multiple characters (28!), each with their own distinct stories, all somehow converging at Tokyo Station. Sounds fun. There’s also a sequel, ドミノin上海.