Week 1 La Ciudad de las Bestias

Finished the first chapter! I listened to it in audio book form first, without following along with the text, just to see how well I did comprehending it.

I caught a fair amount of details, though I wasn’t able to perfectly follow it. One of the funniest moments was I missed the description of the dog getting sprayed by a skunk (because I didn’t know those words), but figured out that must be what had happened because I understood the part about bathing in tomato juice afterward.

I’d say that this book is harder than the first few books that I read in Spanish, so don’t get too discouraged if it’s hard! I had to look up a bunch of words myself.

In total, it took me about 50 minutes to read this chapter (after listening through it all the way once), which was two 25-minute reading sessions for me. Would have taken substantially longer if I wasn’t reading on kindle and couldn’t get instant lookups.

A comment (not a question) on a line near the end of the chapter:

Nuestra familia está pasando por una crisis. ¿Sabes cuáles son los caracteres chinos para escribir crisis? Peligro + oportunidad.

I don’t know Chinese, but it holds true for the word “crisis” in Japanese as well!

“Crisis” is 危機きき, which is 危 (danger) + 機 (opportunity, though the kanji also has other meanings).