Week 1 👻 Medium 🔮

Google Translate can often confuse you even more - I personally find it next to useless. DeepL is a better option, but again it sometimes takes extreme liberties, to the point of changing the text completely.

If stuck, you can always ask here. Book clubs exist so we can help each other out, after all. :slight_smile:


Oh? Then I guess I’ll check DeepL as well :+1:

Thank you! Honestly that’s part of what motivates me to read along with others. I’ll count on the club for the next week’s read :relieved:


I know that feeling! I got the best translations by using ChatGPT, but it always takes a while till it finishes translating, so I usually also rather refer to DeepL.
How are you reading? If you read the ebook in an ebook reader in the web browser, you can use an browser addon (Parallel Text) to show the google translation next to Japanese text and refer to the translation of every sentence. Although google translate is very hit or miss, I thought going through it sentence by sentence helpful, because it makes it more obvious to spot wrong translations since you can refer between google translate and the Japanese text back and forth and it sometimes nudges you into the right direction. :smiley:

I attached an screenshot of how it’d look for me.


This looks so handy!
Since I’m a bit busy these days I think I prefer the fastest translation to the best one, as long as it gives me a general idea of what’s going on in the story.


Got back from holiday yesterday so have been able to catch up on week one. I notice the author is quite fond of 曰く(which I find interesting because it looks like a verb but isn’t one, though my dictionary tells me it originated as an inflection of 言う).


Well, the great thing about reading behind the club is that I don’t have to worry about cliffhangers :stuck_out_tongue:
It really sucks though because I liked 結花 so far.