Week 2 👻 Medium 🔮

Oh you’re right, I forgot Yuika actually answered yes. This makes it like it was already happening and not necessarily sth in future.
I have the same guess, at least for now it looks like this crying woman has been in (or has visited) her place for some time :thinking:


Only partially through the chapter, but has anyone else noticed what sounds like inconsistencies in the audiobook narration? Insofar as the occasional sentence sounds like it was recorded in a different time or place for some reason. It’s surprisingly distracting when the rest of the audiobook is recorded so nicely.


I didn’t notice anything like that, but seeing as I also didn’t notice a high pitched hum in the background of スマホを落とした’s audiobook*… :sweat_smile: I’m maybe not the best person to report on this

*Others complained about it and when I went specifically to listen for it I could hear it but I’d somehow listened to the entire book and not clocked it :joy:


I haven’t noticed that either, but I’m usually listening while I’m doing other things, so I might just not have noticed.


I haven’t noticed anything that seems like a recording mistake, but there are sound effects (and possibly other variables) that are supposed to indicate the setting has changed. They’ve made some effort to show whether they’re outdoors or indoors, etc. Not sure whether you’re referring to that or something else entirely. (I see you said “the occasional sentence”, so probably not. In which case, no, I haven’t noticed it)


I noticed it as well, but since the beginning. :thinking: I have bought it on audiobook.jp and listening on the audio player “cozy”.

I listened to おいしいごはんが食べられますように , かがみの孤城 下 (ポプラ文庫 つ 1-2) | L27 , コンビニ人間 , 配達あかずきん―成風堂書店事件メモ | L30?? and 三姉妹探偵団 | L25?? and weirdly never had something happen like this before :sweat_smile:


I’ll have to see if I can grab some example sentences for folks to compare. I’m curious if you guys can hear it specifically pointed out, or if there’s just something weird with my setup.


I’m part of the way through next week’s reading and made a point to listen for this. Yep - there’s a lot of inconsistencies between sentences, and the chapter opened with a light hissing noise in the background that either went away or my brain simply stopped caring about :joy:
If I’m not listening for it I don’t really notice the shifts, but when I do they’re actually a bit jarring.


So I read this week’s chapter last week as scheduled, but after finishing it felt like things were still kinda fragmented for me, just in terms of the murder scene and the police’s current evidence, so I’m re-listening to it before starting week 3.

This made me raise my eyebrows just as much as the first time I read it: how do you a) see tracks left by tears cried like 9, 10 hours ago, and b) how do you identify them as from tears?

Like, 翡翠 I understand; psychics get a pass. But 香月 gets no pass. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a bit surprised that everyone’s jumping to living people as the murderer; my first thought is that it’s totally a ghost who killed her. :thinking:


I think at least for me that’s because the prologue seemed to me to set the scenario up as “psychic solves murders by finding clues that Kougetsu then has to turn into evidence the police can use”, which would rule out purely supernaturally caused deaths.


Didn’t Hisui say something about how ghosts can’t physically do things to people? Which would rule out a supernatural death :thinking: I can’t quite remember how Yuika died, was she knocked on the head? That seems like a pretty non-supernatural end to me :grin:


Ah, I did forget about that. Darn. Slightly more boring, but I don’t think I’ve seen the setup of “gather supernatural clues to arrest normal murderers”, so let’s see where the author takes this, I suppose.

I don’t remember this, but I’m probably just forgetting the passage; it sounds like a reasonable thing to say. But in this case, if it was a ghost, there’s nothing stopping it from scaring someone so badly they trip and fall and hit their head. :thinking:


I’m too busy reading the book to read the thread now, but did anyone else immediately think that 結花 and 舞衣 were lovers (and that the latter killed the former due to some random lover dispute)? :sweat_smile:
I guess I’ll find out in the rest of the chapter if I was right.