Week 4 of 📚 本好きの下剋上 / 책벌레의 하극상 🪱

Question - Chapter 8 JP


I’m just completely lost in this sentence :sweat_smile: スッポン is supposed to be a turtle? And 熱い餅 rice cake? I understand it’s overall talking about her sticking to books, but I don’t really understand these comparisons… is it an idiom or something (or just a weird comparison in the end?)


I remember looking that up and I came across this same question in the WK book club.


A turtle that is famous for never letting go once it bit on something and extremely sticky rice cake.

It doesn’t feel weird to me, but it’s just a comparison.


Finished this week’s reading! :triumph:


  • The kids setting off on their little adventure was so cute! Like little hobitses. :laughing: Kind of wanted the girls to just continue on into the forest as well, though… Anyway, glad we’re meeting more characters now!
  • Myne, starved of entertainment, imagining Tuuli as a shoujo manga heroine… :joy:
  • Side-eyeing Myne for getting flustered by a 5-year-old giving her a compliment. I guess it’s trying to show how little romantic experience Urano had in her previous life, but her reaction to a kid “flirting”… :sweat: Please tell me I misunderstood.

A minor thing, but why didn’t Myne recognise her father at the start of chapter 8? Was it just that Tuuli spotted him first, or did I miss something?

Even after finding out that there is indeed parchment, pens, and ink in this world, there’s someone nearby who knows how to read and write, and even obtaining a writing slate, Myne can’t just be happy and content for a moment. She just has to-

…Squeeze that in at the end there. :rofl:


You did not. I also thought it was a bit weird :sweat_smile:

She is not used to see him in uniform. Plus I think they have a helmet? I don’t remember. But Tuuli is used to see him, so she spotted him easily.

Edit: I checked the book instead, but I can’t find anything about helmets. Still, the point was that to Main the uniforms all look the same, so it’s hard to find which guy is her own father.


I thought it was just general her not being used to receiving compliments. I can’t think of 5 year olds to be flirting. That does not compute in my brain. :sweat_smile:


Let’s go with this explanation, much less icky. :sweat_smile:


Random(-ish) question: does anyone know if there is a particular significance behind Myne spelling わたし in hiragana rather than kanji?


Well, the series title sounds like she will do some social ascending. Eventually, she may get in a position where she would use わたくし (but still use わたし in other places, with family for instance). The kanji can be read as either, so it would be annoying to use it (the author would need to put furigana every time)


I know that often it’s spelt out in hiragana when the child is a speaker, along with kanji that the speaker themselves most likely do not know. That being said Urano also uses わたし in the prologue, so I have to assume that it has to do with a level of casual-ness trying to be reflected in her speech.

I don’t think the potential future use of あたし or わたくし is the reason since I’ve also seen this kind of selective spelling in other books and manga, though maybe the author really did think that far ahead

I could just be misremembering, but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen/read something where わたし was spelt using 私 and one of it’s variants was just in hiragana.


True. She could switch between 私 (instead of わたし) and わたくし.

Edit: I just checked the word of god™ (that is, whatever the author is saying) and it turns out that it’s to easily identify gender. 私 is for men, わたし is for women. I don’t know how consistent that is, but that’s the theory.

Edit 2: I just removed the speculations that could count as spoilers, since they are not relevant anymore.


Finished chapter 7. Not much to report here, other than I wish these isekai protagonists reincarnated into pre-teen bodies would stop obsessing over “omg he’s probably flirting with me!!!” You’re both six, neither of you has hormones. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: and chapter 8 done. Now that we’ve got a bunch more characters, it’s getting harder to tell who’s who, based purely on the audiobook narrator’s voice. :frowning:


FWIW, I asked my Korean teacher about this too and she felt that 를 하다 it sounds fine when it’s used as a modifier, but as a predicate it sounds odd. If you want to describe it with a predicate, just change the subject, like 여자 to 여자의 머리, and then the simple adjective as the predicate, like 길어요.


Chapters 7 and 8 done! I can now add 鵞ペン and 羊皮紙 to my historical vocab list (along with おまる, 石畳, and 薪拾い).

This book is very slice of life, with a side dose of searching for books, but I’m really enjoying it so far. This is kind of surprising for me, since I usually like more dramatic storylines. It probably has something to do with the love of books, as well as the general charm of the story. Anyway, I’m glad to be enjoying it!


To help motivate me to catch up quickly I think I’ll post my thoughts for each chapter set.

I’m definitely more sympathetic to Myne on this reread. She got ripped from her life, dropped in a place that honestly kind of stinks, and is surrounded by people she remembers loving with a child’s perspective which doesn’t suit her current self. She went from an independent and as far as we know able bodied adult to a sickly child unable to do even the most basic tasks and with little to no say in her life. By now it’ll only have been a few weeks at most and she’s struggling to connect to her family. she was so excited when she thought Gunther could teach her, and yeah it’s mostly motivated by a desire to read, but it would have been the first real thing she could connect with her family on. To date she’s been mostly stuck alone in bed or been in the way of them.