Week 5 👻 Medium 🔮

I read おヒゲが痛そうです to mean it looks like his beard is sore… I think I remember something about him scratching it? I imagined it looked like his skin was irritated. Maybe I misread it though :sweat_smile:


There’s even a flashback inside the flashback when he is the car, reminiscing about when he invited 翡翠

Otherwise, I still like the book so far, but it seems I am the only one? I guess it isn’t really a mystery book, so that’s possibly a bit underwhelming for the mystery club.
I saw a lot of comments about a “light novel” feel to how 翡翠 is described but, as someone who has read way too many LN for their own good, I can assure you that LNs are usually way worse (especially in 男性向け stuff; 女性向け LNs would typically not be from the point of view of a guy to begin with). I’m not saying that it isn’t a bit much at time (getting her skin compared to cake…), but not in an LN way.


I’m enjoying it well enough, but I’m also enjoying poking fun at the excessive descriptions of the MC’s beauty and the seeming nothingness of the narrator.

The first mystery was a bit disappointing, but I’m not bored and so I’d say I’m OK with things.

It’s still way better than 7回死んだ男 :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Lol. That was messing with me a bit too. I re-listened again today, though, and overall I think I have a much better idea of what’s happening now.

Like others, I am just a bit done with the eye-roll inducing descriptions of 翡翠, but I’m still finding the story interesting and am looking forward to seeing more development! Listening to the audiobook probably makes it easier for me to tune out some of the “cake” descriptions.


I’m open to how it’ll develop.

I am guessing there will be a huge twist at the end that explains why the first story felt a bit underwhelming. Or it really was just a set up to get accustomed to the characters. We will see if this story ends in a more satisfying way. :smiley: I don’t think I can really judge the book until then, although I can safely say the descriptions of female characters are annoying to me. (As I don’t think this only applies to 翡翠, it’s just more noticeable with her since she is in the focus so much.) And I guess, in the same vein, the lack of descriptions for male characters is also kinda annoying :smiley:


I am definitely still looking forward to each week’s installment. Looked at objectively it has some flaws, which are interesting to discuss, but subjectively it does the all important “make me want to turn the pages” part right.


Seconded! It’s a fairly smooth read for me and the action moves along well, so although it’s not perfect it’s definitely enjoyable for me so far :grin:


I took this as it looks like it’d hurt to touch, .i.e. a third person. Maybe it’s really scraggly? But now I’m not so sure anymore. :joy: